WPSubscribers Review

WPSubscribers Review

Over the past 2-3 weeks I have been using a new plugin called WP Subscribers.  This WordPress plugin is a lead capture machine!  For anyone who has a blog and is looking to build their email list, this plugin is for you. Regardless of your technical abilities, you can...
17 Google Tools Useful for SEOs and Webmasters

17 Google Tools Useful for SEOs and Webmasters

Today it’s hard to imagine the Internet space without Google. Thanks to it, users can find almost any information with little effort. The most important thing is to formulate your request properly. In addition to the usual search Google offers its users several...
Top 25 Social Media Keyword Search Tools

Top 25 Social Media Keyword Search Tools

Want to find out who is talking about what in your niche or industry? There are many search engines that allow you to search one or multiple sources of information to see real time results. Check out these popular (and free) blog, forum, and social media search...
Top 5 Blackberry Apps For Internet Marketing

Top 5 Blackberry Apps For Internet Marketing

I’ve been using a Blackberry since 2005. Back when the blackberry was blue, hard-covered and didn’t fit into a normal sized pant pocket. True story. Over the last 5.5 years, Research In Motion’s blackberry smartphone has come a long way as a medium...
List Eruption WP Plugin, Coming Soon! [Sneak Peak]

List Eruption WP Plugin, Coming Soon! [Sneak Peak]

Over the past 6 months, Tim Atkinson and I have been working hard at developing a brand new list building WordPress plugin, that we are really exciting to tell you guys about.  List Eruption is a list building plugin that has proven to help rapidly grow your email...
Top 5 Free SEO Tools

Top 5 Free SEO Tools

There are hundreds of free Search Engine Optimization tools out there. I have selected 5 of what I think are the must robust and useful SEO tools on the web. SEO Book’s: SEO for Firefox Aaron Wall’s SEO for Firefox, is a Firefox extension that you can...
7 Reasons Why You Need a SEMrush Pro Account

7 Reasons Why You Need a SEMrush Pro Account

If you are an Internet Marketer, you have undoubtedly heard of SEMrush.  SEMrush has probably the most comprehensive data set on the web, when it comes to keyword research and competitive intelligence.  Yes, there are plenty of free SEO tools available (including...
Why Use Landing Pages?

Why Use Landing Pages?

Why use a landing page platform? One of the key reasons is templates offer the ability to quickly scale up landing page campaigns with no need for web development resources or any advance knowledge of CSS or HTML. One of the best platforms on the market that I have...
Say Hello to the Web SEO Analytics Toolset

Say Hello to the Web SEO Analytics Toolset

If you haven’t heard of WebSEOAnalytics, you need to check out their Toolset.  They have developed quite a robust set of SEO tools that rival some of the premium tools that you pay hundreds of dollars a month to use.  Overall, they have 14 tools that diagnose...
Filter Your Following with Forumlists

Filter Your Following with Forumlists

While perusing the recent Twitter lists that I have been added to, I spotted several that were generated by @formulists. Intrigued, I Googled it and was led to an interesting service that automatically creates Twitter lists based on particular specifications. Basic...
14 Free SEO Tools and Resources from SEOmoz

14 Free SEO Tools and Resources from SEOmoz

SEOmoz just updated their site with a new design, as well as some new resources. Here are the best SEO resources offered by SEOmoz without having to be a PRO member. Simply sign up for a free account and take advantage of the following resources. Free SEOmoz Tools...
How to Clear Your Google Web History

How to Clear Your Google Web History

With privacy being such a concern, you would be surpised to know (if you don’t already) how much information Google keeps about your search history. From the day you created your Google account, logged in, and used their search engine, Google has been logging...
Identifying Duplicate Content and How To Deal With It

Identifying Duplicate Content and How To Deal With It

Duplicate content and plagiarism can be an easy way for a website to get penalized by the search engines or possibly banned.  The search engines have gotten much better at being able to check for duplicate content.  If you are interested, here is what Google has to...
Essential Resources In My Internet Marketing Toolbox

Essential Resources In My Internet Marketing Toolbox

Glen from Viperchill recently wrote a post about the resources that are in his internet marketing toolbox, so I thought it would be a good idea to share the tools I use on a daily basis.  I think I should mention that I probably have used hundreds of tools to perform...
How to Get the Best Deal on Online Products

How to Get the Best Deal on Online Products

Nowadays, it feels like there are a ton of products popping up to help you with your website traffic, SEO, and making money online, as well as various course and membership forums. So how do you know which ones are right for you, and how do you get the best deal?...
Internet Tools You Should Know

Internet Tools You Should Know

If you work in an online industry, whether you’re in the brand management business or you help clients with online conversion, there are certain Internet tools that can make your job easier. Not only will these web development tools significantly enhance your...
Arkayne, WP Related Posts Plugin on Steroids

Arkayne, WP Related Posts Plugin on Steroids

I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but i added a new WordPress plugin to the blog that will pull in related and recommended posts at the bottom of each blog post.  This new plugin is brought to you by Arkayne, an awesome new product that will help you optimize and...
Improve SEO With Free Analyzer From BlogGlue

Improve SEO With Free Analyzer From BlogGlue

BlogGlue is a blog marketing plugin that creates related links between partner blogs as well as on social media. Although not advertised they have a solid SEO Analyzer built into the system. The SEO tool lets you grade your posts before you publish them and even gives...
6 Syndication Services to Make Life Easier

6 Syndication Services to Make Life Easier

Syndication services can be a real time saver.  I have used a few of them in the past and found that it can be a great way to spread content across the web.  Of course with syndication, comes duplicate content and borderline spamming, so you want to use in...
MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate Review

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate Review

For anyone who is looking to turn their blog or website into a money making machine, you need to check out Ninja Affiliate.  Ninja Affiliate is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to easily convert keywords into affiliate links.  Not only can it convert keywords into...
How to Declutter Your Work Environment

How to Declutter Your Work Environment

If you’re feeling a bit stifled and overwhelmed when it comes to writing new blog posts, working on your SEO, or any other task during your work day, then the first place you may have to blame is your own working environment. I don’t mean just your office,...
Link Builders Toolkit v2.0 Launch w/ Special Offer

Link Builders Toolkit v2.0 Launch w/ Special Offer

Since the launch of the Link Builders Toolkit back in April of this year, I have received a ton of positive feedback on the product.  I also received some awesome suggestions on how I could improve it.  So I took all of that feedback and have updated the toolkit to...
5 Resources to Find Seasoned, Expiring Domains

5 Resources to Find Seasoned, Expiring Domains

One of the biggest areas I have worked to grow my expertise and portfolio is in securing both new and expired domains.  I have admit I have bought a number of domains on the spur of the moment and regretted it at a later stage I still find it a much under appreciated...