Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Like any company, you have a budget. So how do you know if you are putting your internet marketing dollars to good use? Unfortunately there is no secret formulate to follow that tells you what percentage of your budget you should be spending on each marketing...
Using the Power of Multi-Search Engines

Using the Power of Multi-Search Engines

This post was written by guest blogger Alex Stetson, a Boston SEO specialist. Multi-search engines deliver results from a number of different search engines at once; this is meant to streamline the manual search process that users normally follow. So what do certain...
5 Things To Remove From Your XML Sitemap

5 Things To Remove From Your XML Sitemap

When creating an XML sitemap, you may want to modify it slightly before you upload it to your server.  There are a number of reasons why you should manually edit your XML sitemap file which include, proper indexation,  URL index limitations (although they have gotten...
Promoting Article Marketing with RSS Feeds

Promoting Article Marketing with RSS Feeds

Many people think of article marketing as simply a way to build a backlink or traffic to their website, to build their reputation as an expert, or to make money online via article writing. But not many think about their articles as promotional items and actually...
How Professional SEOs Get Inbound Links

How Professional SEOs Get Inbound Links

Getting found on Google consists of 2 things: 1) content and 2) links. Since inbound links act as a voting system or currency for search engine algorithms, it’s imperative that SEOs acquire high quality inbound links on a consistent basis. One way to produce...
Why Ranking #1 in Google is Like Winning the Superbowl

Why Ranking #1 in Google is Like Winning the Superbowl

Since we are fresh off a Superbowl victory by the Green Bay Packers , I thought we would analyze how winning the Superbowl is like getting a #1 ranking in Google for a highly competitive keyword/phrase.  If you actually stop and think about it, they are very similar....
10 Affordable Search Engine Optimization Tips

10 Affordable Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be costly, you just need to know some SEO Basics.  Search engine optimization is the science and art of marketing and publishing information that ranks high for chosen keywords in the search engines. Most search engines show...
5 Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blogs SEO Friendly

5 Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blogs SEO Friendly

If you are blogging for personal reasons only, you don’t need to think much about search engine optimization and all. But what you will do if you are blogging with the intension to grow your business or making money from blogging. All of your hard work in writing good...
Part II: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

Part II: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

In Part I of this two part series, I left you saying how inaccurate the CTR’s Google was give are. Now I want you to totally forget what I said! In this post I’m going to take you step-by-step through extracting and changing poor performing descriptions. Step I: Start...
The Importance of Building a Natural Link Profile

The Importance of Building a Natural Link Profile

Link building is essential to any website that wants to climb the search engine rankings and stay there. What a lot of people fail to understand is that this is not as simple as finding as many links as you can, no matter where from, and then adding them all in one go. If a website is to be consistently successful in the search engines, it has to possess a natural link profile.

Are You Optimizing Your YouTube Videos Properly?

Are You Optimizing Your YouTube Videos Properly?

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world, so why not leverage that.  As you probably know, video is becoming such a large part in every marketers strategy.  It is a great way to convey a marketing message and to tell a story, where plain text lacks. ...
Reputation Management for Your Personal Brand

Reputation Management for Your Personal Brand

Online reputation management is not just a strategy to consider if something negative surfaces about you. It should begin early on, because the longer something has been online, the more authority it will have. If one of your goals is to see nothing but positive items...
Internal Company Reputation and ORM

Internal Company Reputation and ORM

Internal company reputation is important even without SEO and internet marketing. It’s a business basic every company needs to know. All companies need to gain internal respect through their rules, policies, and employee treatment before they can secure a good...
Traditional SEO to Social, What Matters?

Traditional SEO to Social, What Matters?

Have you ever wondered how Twitter links and updates play into search results? A recent study by Michael Stelzner on small business social media use reported, 88% of all marketers found social media helps get them increase exposure. But where is this exposure coming...
How to Become a Link Building Expert in 30 Days

How to Become a Link Building Expert in 30 Days

If you are a consultant juggling clients and managing your own business, it is only natural to find yourself focusing more efforts on some strategies and letting other tools of your trade slide. There are plenty of SEO Services that can help your business and your...
Why You Need to Run Multivariate Tests

Why You Need to Run Multivariate Tests

It’s been several years since your website’s last major update. The design is starting to look outdated even though you’re still adding new content every day. You know it’s time for change, but you’re understandably hesitant because things seem to be working out just...
Give a Little to Get a Lot with Link Building

Give a Little to Get a Lot with Link Building

When is a link more than just a link? When it has the potential to create even more links! Too often site owners look at link building as a one step practice—find a blog, leave a comment, get a link; write a press release, get a link; share content on Facebook, get a...
5 SEO Factors that Do and Don’t Matter in 2010

5 SEO Factors that Do and Don’t Matter in 2010

The landscape and ranking factors of SEO are always changing and evolving.  In 2010, we are starting to see a fundamental shift in the way search engines are rankings sites.  With the evolution of social media, video, and rich media, the organic SERPs are becoming...
25 Promises and Advice Given By Unethical SEO Firms

25 Promises and Advice Given By Unethical SEO Firms

Ahh yes, we have all received e-mails from SEO companies promising the world for $199/month!  Unfortunately there are more unethical SEO companies out there than ones you can trust.  So if you are a business or organization looking for a reputable firm to hire, how do...
What Should be Covered in an SEO Sales Meeting

What Should be Covered in an SEO Sales Meeting

When you are speaking to a potential SEO client, there should be some level of knowledge and training that should be given, to help them fully understand how SEO works and why you are structuring the proposal and strategy the way you are. Here are some aspects of SEO...
How Article Marketing can Help Your Blog

How Article Marketing can Help Your Blog

Article marketing is a great way to promote your blog. Many people might think, article marketing is dead or “old”, but the fact it, it’s not. It works, and it works very well. Basically, you submit an article to the article directories. Once approved, your article...
Selling SEO Is Not Just About You

Selling SEO Is Not Just About You

Stepping into the corporate world of SEO is not a simple task. SEO is no regular desk job. As a businessperson who wants to make it big in SEO, you’re going to be meeting people from different industries, not only for the purpose of introducing and selling your...
Facebook for Business: Setup and Usage Tips

Facebook for Business: Setup and Usage Tips

The new Facebook Timeline format for business includes a more visual on-page presence with the Cover Shot, more user data via Insights, and features, like the Apps Ribbon and Milestones that allow businesses to better share their story with Facebook’s millions...
10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

Darren Rowse from ProBlogger recently wrote a blog post encouraging people to write a ‘Bloggers To Watch’ post, to promote bloggers in your prospective industry.  I thought I would do my due diligence and make a list of 10 SEO bloggers I feel you should...
15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

Whitepapers have been a great marketing tool for gaining industry credibility, relevant leads, and more traffic to your website. Even though there are probably thousands of Internet Marketing Whitepapers out there, there are a select bunch that are know for creating industry-recognized, high-quality whitepapers.

Interview with Gab Goldenberg, Tips on Selling SEO

Interview with Gab Goldenberg, Tips on Selling SEO

I had the great opportunity to interview Gab Goldenberg, a well-respected industry influencer in the SEO and Internet Marketing community.  I wanted to get some some insights and tips on some important questions about selling Search Engine Optimization. What sales...
Trying to Find a SEO Company?  Check Out

Trying to Find a SEO Company? Check Out

Personally I have never been very fond of all of the broad directories out there like Superpages, CitySearch or YellowPages.  Mainly because there are just SO many businesses listed in each of these directories, that your head will start to spin.  It makes it hard to...
Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Writing a press release can sometimes be quite a tough task, particularly when you are not aware of the basics. Before we talk about how to put together a killer online press release to grab the most attention from readers, let us talk a bit about what it actually is....
Rules of Successful Site Navigation

Rules of Successful Site Navigation

Usability rules for beginners In this article I will give some advises for those people who try to build web site themselves and don’t have experience in programming. Is it possible to build a user-friendly site attractive for people? Yes, it is. If you adhere...
8 Other Types of Content You Can’t Go Wrong With

8 Other Types of Content You Can’t Go Wrong With

Content marketing isn’t just about blogs and articles. There are various ways to repurpose your content, reproduce existing content in various other forms, and even publish content specifically geared for various channels and opportunities available. Of course it’s...