Gain Insight on a Typical SEO Client [60 Second Poll]

Gain Insight on a Typical SEO Client [60 Second Poll]

I thought it would a good idea to create a short poll to ask SEO’s about their everyday clients.  I’m sure there are a lot of Internet Marketers out there, wondering how they stack up against other agencies and interactive firms.  This is a great way to...
5 Reasons Why Your Site is Not Ranking Well?

5 Reasons Why Your Site is Not Ranking Well?

Recently I have spoke to a number of people who have wondered why their websites are not ranking well.  Of course that is going to depend on a case by case basis, but there are 5 things I will check first before I give them an answer.  9 times out of 10, if they are...
The Link Wheel Concept Explained

The Link Wheel Concept Explained

There seems to be a rising popularity in developing what is called a “Link Wheel” for your blog.  A link wheel is the process of creating backlinks to your website or blog AND other off-site properties.  The goal is to create a system where all of your...
5 SEO Factors that Do and Don’t Matter in 2010

5 SEO Factors that Do and Don’t Matter in 2010

The landscape and ranking factors of SEO are always changing and evolving.  In 2010, we are starting to see a fundamental shift in the way search engines are rankings sites.  With the evolution of social media, video, and rich media, the organic SERPs are becoming...
How Much SEO Knowledge Should A Client Have?

How Much SEO Knowledge Should A Client Have?

In my opinion an educated SEO client is much better than an uneducated client.  An educated client is usually more involved, willing to allocate more budget towards your strategy, and will develop into a longer lasting relationship. So, what level of SEO knowledge...
Google Panda Algorithm Update [Infographic]

Google Panda Algorithm Update [Infographic]

I was recently contacted by Carlos Paulinich, who created this amazing infographic that shows a graphical representation of the Google Panda Update.  I thought I would share it with the readers. Make sure you give him some props on his amazing job! Image...
How Your Web Hosting Service Can Affect Your SEO

How Your Web Hosting Service Can Affect Your SEO

Although high quality content and authoritative, relevant inbound links are the primary SEO concerns for most site owners, choosing an optimal web hosting service may be more important than some realize. First and Foremost: The Administrative Panel One of your top...
How to Form a Good Relationship with your SEO Clients

How to Form a Good Relationship with your SEO Clients

“SEO? Oh, we’re set. We’ve got links in the footer.” At some point in our careers every SEO has heard a client make an outrageous statement likes this gem from Ian Lurie. Anyone who has worked at an agency knows, when working with clients there are always bound to be...
SEO Link Bait Tactics are here to Rescue Your Blog

SEO Link Bait Tactics are here to Rescue Your Blog

The internet is about one thing: exposure, exposure; exposure! Knowing how to use the internet to the fullest in essential to getting the exposure you need. One way to do this is by using link bait. What is Link Bait? Content is golden. That is the premise behind link...
5 Important Elements of a Sales Landing Page

5 Important Elements of a Sales Landing Page

Every great sales or lead generation landing page have certain similar characteristics to them.  Those characteristics lead to increases in sales, leads and overall conversion rates. Let’s take a look at the different elements of a successful landing page. 1. ...
Where to Focus Your Photo Sharing Efforts in 2013

Where to Focus Your Photo Sharing Efforts in 2013

Photo sharing has made a booming market in recent years helping both small and large businesses alike. It can be used to properly manage marketing strategies, keep employees up-to-date and better interact with customers and clients. While it started as a simple tool...
Best Practices for Online Press Releases

Best Practices for Online Press Releases

Search marketing and public relations have traditionally functioned as separate entities however in recent years it has become clear that there is a close synergy between the two. Many companies will employ both PR and search marketing agencies to help promote their...
4 Tips to Capture More Leads Quickly & Easily

4 Tips to Capture More Leads Quickly & Easily

Of course, email marketing happens to be one of the most cost-effective means of advertising online. But email marketing can be effective only when you have built up a long list of responsive email subscribers. If you want to make money online quickly, you’ll need to...
5 Ways to Dominate Google’s Quality Check

5 Ways to Dominate Google’s Quality Check

Just a few months ago Google was receiving continual pressure from the media to improve their search results. The general consensus was that too many search engine results pages (SERPs) were filled with content farm articles that did little more for searchers than...
Google+ Working for Your Business

Google+ Working for Your Business

As anyone can tell from Google’s stock on the trade market, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Google+ is a testament to the new technology in search engine features, which Google continues to improve upon. This awesome Google software enables social...
Top SEO Blog Category Added to World Media Awards

Top SEO Blog Category Added to World Media Awards

Just yesterday, a new Top SEO Blog Category was added to the World Media Awards Event and Stay on Search was the first blog to be nominated. While marketing bloggers often write about SEO, and some SEOs are marketing bloggers, the Top Marketing Blogs category is...
Sizing Up Your SEO Campaign Ahead

Sizing Up Your SEO Campaign Ahead

SEO’s and internet marketing professionals like to credit themselves with any and all of a customer website’s success in the search engine rankings. Most SEO professionals do work hard to promote the pages of clients and boost their position in the...
6 SEO Company FAILS

6 SEO Company FAILS

I originally wanted to write a post showing examples of really bad SEO and highlighting some of the worst offenders. However, I decided it wasn’t fair to single out websites and criticize their SEO. After all, not everybody claims to do this for a living. But what...
17 Google Tools Useful for SEOs and Webmasters

17 Google Tools Useful for SEOs and Webmasters

Today it’s hard to imagine the Internet space without Google. Thanks to it, users can find almost any information with little effort. The most important thing is to formulate your request properly. In addition to the usual search Google offers its users several...
How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

I have discussed with a number of people recently the debate about what is considered Search Engine Optimization and what is considered Social Media.  To tell you the truth, I feel like they are starting to blend together to become the ultimate marketing machine on...
Using the Power of Multi-Search Engines

Using the Power of Multi-Search Engines

This post was written by guest blogger Alex Stetson, a Boston SEO specialist. Multi-search engines deliver results from a number of different search engines at once; this is meant to streamline the manual search process that users normally follow. So what do certain...
Using PPC for Link Building Purposes

Using PPC for Link Building Purposes

All PPC and SEO experts are aware of the importance of building links for the marketing and promotion of a website. Backlinks are essentially important when it comes to getting organic traffic for the website and enhancing the visibility of the website in the search...
How to Conduct Keyword Research for a New Website

How to Conduct Keyword Research for a New Website

Would you like to rank for a keyword like “business”? 101,000,000 monthly searches broad and 550,000 exact searches a month! Well I bet you would like that, ha? Let me ask you something, what kind of website would you run if you ranked for such a keyword? That is a...
Robots.txt Guide for Popular CMS and Shopping Carts

Robots.txt Guide for Popular CMS and Shopping Carts

It can be difficult to know which directories should be restricted from search engines and which should be allowed.  I thought it would be a good idea to create a robots.txt reference guide for popular content management systems and shopping carts.  Depending on what...
Your 10-Point Local Optimization Checkup

Your 10-Point Local Optimization Checkup

If you do business in a specific area, you want to make sure that your website is optimized properly for local search. Here are 10 quick ways to optimize your site for more localized traffic. Create a detailed directions/location page: Include an embedded map on your...
How to Use PPC to Complement SEO

How to Use PPC to Complement SEO

Recently I wrote a blog post on How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces, so I thought it would be beneficial to show how PPC can help to compliment SEO.  Now that Pay-Per-Click (at least in Google) is becoming so saturated with advertisers, compared to 5-7 years...
Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Evolution of Search Engine Optimization Death to the Old SEO Methods There is a prevailing theme often heard in Internet Marketing that Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is DEAD.  Any number of reasons can be attributed to this idea, and there are many...
How To Craft the Perfect Meta Tags

How To Craft the Perfect Meta Tags

I know it may seem very basic when creating Title and Meta tags for your website, but it can be a much more involved process if you are looking to go from good to great.  Many clients are under the impression that as long as they have their keywords in the title and...
SWX West: Matt Cutts Live with WebProNews

SWX West: Matt Cutts Live with WebProNews

Mike McDonald took some time during SMX West to talk to Matt Cutts to get a recap on the session he contributed to, as well as to give us an update on relevant search questions Matt Recaps “Ask the Search Engines” session Google Caffine: Rolled it out to...
The 3 Tier Keyword Structure

The 3 Tier Keyword Structure

So are you optimizing your pages the right way??? Brad Fallon, a leading search marketer, discussed a great way to structure your keywords/phrases on your website. He broke it up into 3 tiers. I will use the example he uses on his Stompernet video. Brad owns an...
Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Like any company, you have a budget. So how do you know if you are putting your internet marketing dollars to good use? Unfortunately there is no secret formulate to follow that tells you what percentage of your budget you should be spending on each marketing...
Is SEO Changing to a Holistic Marketing Approach?

Is SEO Changing to a Holistic Marketing Approach?

Ten years ago, hiring a good search engine optimization firm was enough to get great search engine rankings and relevant traffic.  Since then, the internet has evolved and become saturated with millions of websites.  Everybody now fighting for the 1st page of Google,...
How to Find Great Directory Link Building Opportunities

How to Find Great Directory Link Building Opportunities

When it comes to building directory links, there are two possible goals. The first is to get a link on a directory with high Google Authority and PageRank. The second is to get a link on a directory with lots of traffic. The following tips will help you achieve your...
How Many Links Should I Build Each Month?

How Many Links Should I Build Each Month?

I’ve spoken with many site owners over my 13 year SEO career and one of the most common questions I get asked is “how many links should I build each month?” This is if they plan on handling their own link building execution. If the site owner is looking to outsource...