3 Online Brand Management Tips for Google

3 Online Brand Management Tips for Google

Nowadays it seems like new reports are coming out every day about how potential clients and employers are doing searches online to research people before hiring. This means you need to be in better control of what they see and the goal here is to control at least the...
3 Ways to Get Your SEO in Shape for 2012

3 Ways to Get Your SEO in Shape for 2012

The end of 2011 is coming up…fast. With multiple major holidays on the horizon, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is your SEO. But now is exactly when you should be thinking about it! SEO is incredibly long term, so developing a plan for 2012 now means...
Top 10 SEO Myths to Think About in 2013

Top 10 SEO Myths to Think About in 2013

Once bitten, twice shy; It’s kind of weird for me to remember this proverb while thinking about Search Engine Optimization. But then again, maybe it’s not that strange. You see, there are times when I begin to think that “Once bitten, twice...
The Importance of Building a Natural Link Profile

The Importance of Building a Natural Link Profile

Link building is essential to any website that wants to climb the search engine rankings and stay there. What a lot of people fail to understand is that this is not as simple as finding as many links as you can, no matter where from, and then adding them all in one go. If a website is to be consistently successful in the search engines, it has to possess a natural link profile.

Google Penguin: AKA, “Get Your Act Together”

Google Penguin: AKA, “Get Your Act Together”

Since Google’s newest and somewhat controversial algorithm update dubbed “Penguin” first hit the web in April 2012, users quickly discovered that Google’s update was anything but small, cute and cuddly. Hundreds of thousands of websites were slapped with Google...
10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

Darren Rowse from ProBlogger recently wrote a blog post encouraging people to write a ‘Bloggers To Watch’ post, to promote bloggers in your prospective industry.  I thought I would do my due diligence and make a list of 10 SEO bloggers I feel you should...
25 Promises and Advice Given By Unethical SEO Firms

25 Promises and Advice Given By Unethical SEO Firms

Ahh yes, we have all received e-mails from SEO companies promising the world for $199/month!  Unfortunately there are more unethical SEO companies out there than ones you can trust.  So if you are a business or organization looking for a reputable firm to hire, how do...
SEO Optimizer’s Guide to Smart SEO Reporting

SEO Optimizer’s Guide to Smart SEO Reporting

Today, I’d like to speak a little SEO reporting. But, before I begin, what are SEO reports actually for? They are used by SEO’s to demonstrate the results of their work in a visual and easy-to-grasp mode. Is this all SEO reports do? For most SEO services...
How to Dominate Keyword Research in 2012 and Beyond

How to Dominate Keyword Research in 2012 and Beyond

Keyword research doesn’t get a lot of love in the SEO world. For some weird reason, SEO-geated blogs put an untold amount of emphasis on building backlinks. While there’s no denying the importance of backlinks in SEO, it’s also hard to argue with the fact that keyword...
8 Blogs SEOs Must Check Daily

8 Blogs SEOs Must Check Daily

“SEO is not dead, but it’s changing.” These are words extracted from the interview of Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media. SEO, like the rest of the world, is now in 2011 – another year of progress, struggle and learning for me and for everyone in the...
5 Top Tips for an International SEO Campaign

5 Top Tips for an International SEO Campaign

Putting together a domestic SEO campaign can be an extremely complex affair and one which takes a lot of time and effort to put together. Add to that different languages, cultures and target markets and you can imagine how complicated an international SEO campaign can...
14 Free SEO Tools and Resources from SEOmoz

14 Free SEO Tools and Resources from SEOmoz

SEOmoz just updated their site with a new design, as well as some new resources. Here are the best SEO resources offered by SEOmoz without having to be a PRO member. Simply sign up for a free account and take advantage of the following resources. Free SEOmoz Tools...
Using Google’s GL Parameter to Beat Geo-Targeting

Using Google’s GL Parameter to Beat Geo-Targeting

Nowadays, Google and many other search engines custom-tailor search results to a particular location. They identify user’s IP address or GSM location and provide results relevant for his/her whereabouts. This could be good for users, however, this often gives...
How Professional SEOs Get Inbound Links

How Professional SEOs Get Inbound Links

Getting found on Google consists of 2 things: 1) content and 2) links. Since inbound links act as a voting system or currency for search engine algorithms, it’s imperative that SEOs acquire high quality inbound links on a consistent basis. One way to produce...
Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using Google Keyword Tool Among other functions, the Google Adwords keyword tool plays a vital role in effective SEO. All know the role of SEO on internet and the benefits it brings. If you ever plan to optimize your web content, you will definitely come across this...
Your Website SEO Checkup: Part 7 of 8 – Testing

Your Website SEO Checkup: Part 7 of 8 – Testing

Testing can be a never ending battle, depending on how thorough you are looking to test. The idea is to find the most effective web page that will lead to the best results. Your results may be, increased time on site, increase in page views, increase in # of signups,...
Link Building – What Works

Link Building – What Works

Over the course of the last week, I have seen people saying what works and what doesn’t in link building – and they all contradict each other. Some say the old fashioned link request from webmasters is dead and guest blogging is the way to go, while others...
5 Tips for Optimizing an E-Commerce Site

5 Tips for Optimizing an E-Commerce Site

One of the golden rules of SEO is that you have to optimize each and every page of your site individually. On-site optimization includes conducting keyword research based on the content of a page, writing a unique title tag and Meta description that reflect the...
Setting a Foundation for SEO: Writing your First Content

Setting a Foundation for SEO: Writing your First Content

Search engine optimization needs to be correctly integrated from the start of a website for best results.  With the correct implementation of on-page SEO and solid content writing you will be able to rank much sooner.  But, a lot of the time we have clients come to us...
Traditional SEO to Social, What Matters?

Traditional SEO to Social, What Matters?

Have you ever wondered how Twitter links and updates play into search results? A recent study by Michael Stelzner on small business social media use reported, 88% of all marketers found social media helps get them increase exposure. But where is this exposure coming...
Essential Resources In My Internet Marketing Toolbox

Essential Resources In My Internet Marketing Toolbox

Glen from Viperchill recently wrote a post about the resources that are in his internet marketing toolbox, so I thought it would be a good idea to share the tools I use on a daily basis.  I think I should mention that I probably have used hundreds of tools to perform...
Facebook for Business: Setup and Usage Tips

Facebook for Business: Setup and Usage Tips

The new Facebook Timeline format for business includes a more visual on-page presence with the Cover Shot, more user data via Insights, and features, like the Apps Ribbon and Milestones that allow businesses to better share their story with Facebook’s millions...
The Value of Deep Links

The Value of Deep Links

Historically, some companies haven’t looked kindly upon inbound “deep links,” or links to pages on their site that aren’t the homepage or another top-level page. Some have felt that deep links cause visitors to bypass the site’s main advertising or branding page....
Design to Convert!

Design to Convert!

You can design a website in a thousand different ways but above all your designs should convert casual viewers into loyal users and buyers. One way to do this is by incorporating conversion optimization into your website designs. Your website will only have a few...
How to Optimize an E-mail Generating Newsletter

How to Optimize an E-mail Generating Newsletter

Newsletters can make an accidental or first time visitor, who has come to your site because they saw something of interest to come back again as an interested reader. So long as they keep their subscription to your newsletter, you will have a consistent reader who will return to your site.

15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

Whitepapers have been a great marketing tool for gaining industry credibility, relevant leads, and more traffic to your website. Even though there are probably thousands of Internet Marketing Whitepapers out there, there are a select bunch that are know for creating industry-recognized, high-quality whitepapers.

5 Website Fixes You NEED To Make

5 Website Fixes You NEED To Make

A great deal of small business owners has created a website just because others have recommended it. They do not even promote it thinking that customers will find them amidst the millions of others out there.  This can be due to the fact that many small business...
Effective Link Bait Examples and Techniques

Effective Link Bait Examples and Techniques

Link Bait is simply creating a piece of viral content that people will want to link to and share across the web, typically through forms of social media.  There are a number of differ formats that link bait comes in, however they all have one thing in common.  People...
Major Tips to Improve the SEO of All Website

Major Tips to Improve the SEO of All Website

Search engines such as Google are smart. They appreciate websites with creative and original content, and reward them with high page rankings. SEO (search engine optimization) is followed by some quality websites to get rightfully noticed by search engines, while most...
Creating Content of Substance vs Blah! Blah! Blah!

Creating Content of Substance vs Blah! Blah! Blah!

Recently I have been speaking to a few companies about content development.  During our discussions a lot of questions were asked around the type of content that should be produced.  What I explained to them were that are different types of content and strategies...