Search engine optimization needs to be correctly integrated from the start of a website for best results.  With the correct implementation of on-page SEO and solid content writing you will be able to rank much sooner.  But, a lot of the time we have clients come to us after months or even years of little success.  It makes it a bit more complex to create a SEO campaign at this time due to a lot of the content needing to be rewritten and optimized.

It is vital to the future success of your website and SEO efforts that your content is optimized for the search engine results you are trying to rank for.

How do you optimize your content for SEO success?

First and most importantly, start getting a lot of keyword research done.  You’ve got to put in the time doing some solid keyword research to understand a few different factors.  Who are the competition you are facing and what type of content will you need to beat them in the rankings?  If they have 1,500 word articles with excellent imagery and videos, you are going to have to write equal to better content to compete.  Also, start looking at how relevant the first page websites are, is there space for you to sneak in easily? Or are you competing with some very well ranked authority sites that are going to be difficult to outrank?

The goal for you is to find at least 5 broad, high search volume primary keywords and 20 secondary keywords that you believe you can rank for rather easily.  Not only that, but they are relevant and targeted to the potential consumers you are looking to reach out for.

Keyword Research for SEO Content Writing:

  • 5 primary keywords – high volume searches (10,000+ exact match) with medium or lower competition (if possible)
  • 20 secondary keywords – low volume searches(750+ exact match) with low competition

Now the reason you have found all of these great keywords is that they directly correlate to the search engine rankings that you want to rank for.

Google’s search engine spiders scan and read a lot of text, you’ve got to have relevant content so they know your site should rank on specific keywords.  

It’s pretty simple, there’s no reason to write about concepts and ideas that have no relation to the rankings you want, you want to become an “authority” on the concepts and terms in your field.  Google needs to spider a lot of highly relevant pages and posts to build trust toward your rankings.

SEO Content Writing Strategy:

  • All content on your website will be broadly targeted at the 5 primary keywords
  • Write a post or page for each secondary keyword
  • Add all appropriate meta tags with your keywords in mind
  • Stay above 600+ words for maximum weight in SERPs
  • Add any media possible – at least 1 image per page, videos are a plus

In doing this you will have set the stage for search engine spiders to visit your website, read through your content, and gather a lot of relevant content that is keyword targeted.  Instantly your site will be associated with the keyword terms and phrases you are looking to rank for.  Now when you start link-building and gaining more traction in the search engine rankings, you’ll see that your websites pages and posts are ranking for the correct keywords.  Helping quickly set the stage for success in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.