How to Blog Even When You Are Sick

How to Blog Even When You Are Sick

As a blogger you know you cannot afford to have sick days. You have to keep up with your blog at all times or your audience will scatter like leaves in the wind. However there are times where you are just under the weather and can’t seem to keep it all together. What...
Key Tips You Can Use to Design Your Blog

Key Tips You Can Use to Design Your Blog

In order to build something upon it, you should lay a firm foundation. Apart from what kind of content you offer your audience, you should also pay careful attention to what we call ‘visual branding’ of a blog. A well thought-out blog design can instantly create a...
5 Online Marketing Skills Learned While Blogging

5 Online Marketing Skills Learned While Blogging

Although a lot of bloggers may not consider themselves Internet marketers, they have likely developed many valuable online marketing skills. How? Through simply promoting their own blog and latest posts. I know that many of my online marketing skills can be directly...
Interview with Ghost Bloggers Creator, Davy Kestens

Interview with Ghost Bloggers Creator, Davy Kestens

Recently I connected with Davy Kestens, an Internet Entrepreneur who recently created a brand new service called Ghost Bloggers.  Ghost Bloggers is essentially a marketplace where content publishers and content buyers can do business.  This allows bloggers to create...
Will Niche Blogging  Work for You?

Will Niche Blogging Work for You?

Blog experts say that niche blogging is the excellent way to engage a specific audience. The concept of niching is nothing new to marketing: when applied to blogging, it simply means that blog writers can focus on subjects that are targeted toward a specific audience....
Six Outbound Linking Tips for Free Blog Promotion

Six Outbound Linking Tips for Free Blog Promotion

Generosity is a great virtue. Even in terms of blogging, you can use this virtue to promote your blog for no cost at all. One way of showing your generous side to niche bloggers is by linking out to their blogs. However, many bloggers complain that they see little or...
21 Key Benefits of Blogging

21 Key Benefits of Blogging

Different people blog for different reasons. For some, blogging is an excellent means of satisfying their personal ego. Many people blog because they earn a full-time income out of it. There are others who blog for academic benefits. Once you have stepped into the...
5 Blogging Tips You May Not Have Tried Yet

5 Blogging Tips You May Not Have Tried Yet

Every blogger is fighting a constant battle to gain ground in the blogosphere. Though there are more than one hundred million blogs (in the English language) on the internet, not each of them will leave their mark. Just because you have excellent writing skills...
7 Reasons Why You Need a SEMrush Pro Account

7 Reasons Why You Need a SEMrush Pro Account

If you are an Internet Marketer, you have undoubtedly heard of SEMrush.  SEMrush has probably the most comprehensive data set on the web, when it comes to keyword research and competitive intelligence.  Yes, there are plenty of free SEO tools available (including...
Improve Your Content Marketing With Infographics

Improve Your Content Marketing With Infographics

Content marketing plays an important role in attracting customers to your product/service. One of the best ways to improve content marketing is to use infographics for driving more visitors to your website. According to the Survey, the fastest growing content format...
How Blog Comments Attract Traffic

How Blog Comments Attract Traffic

How Blog Comments Attract Traffic As a blogger, you have something to say, whether it’s about business, baking or birds. With regularity, you post insights, photos and tips in an effort to share your interest with readers. You believe you’re doing your best, yet your...
Emailing Templates, Pen Names, and Link Building

Emailing Templates, Pen Names, and Link Building

Guest posting has flooded the blogosphere faster than anyone thought it would in the last two years. The sudden rise of the use of the tactic of guest posting raises a lot of questions and concerns. How Should You Treat Guest Posts? The Panda wave sent a lot of...
Blogging Apps for the Blackberry

Blogging Apps for the Blackberry

These days, it seems like Smartphone’s can handle anything. Whether it’s creating a shopping list, scheduling appointments, or finding the nearest restroom, there is an app for that. The same is true for blogging. No matter what online platform a blogger prefers,...
10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

10 SEO Bloggers To Watch in 2010

Darren Rowse from ProBlogger recently wrote a blog post encouraging people to write a ‘Bloggers To Watch’ post, to promote bloggers in your prospective industry.  I thought I would do my due diligence and make a list of 10 SEO bloggers I feel you should...
Inside Look into 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

Inside Look into 31 Days to Build a Better Blog

I recently just finished reading the book, 31 Days to Build a Better Blog, by Darren Rowse of ProBlogger.  I want to start off by saying I wouldn’t write a review on something that I didn’t truly believe in.  But there are so many great ideas in this book...
Using Weekly Features to Better your Blog

Using Weekly Features to Better your Blog

The internet has evolved to a point where blogging has become both a thoroughly researched and thoroughly mainstream affair—everybody blogs. Even novice bloggers know that great content is the key to a successful site, but what exactly “great content” means can be...
How to Manage a Blog with Multiple Authors

How to Manage a Blog with Multiple Authors

Managing a blog where you are the only author can be a relatively easy task.  You are in control of the content quality, post frequency, comments, and design layouts.  Once you start to have multiple authors, things start to get a little more complicated.  There are...
5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Blog Writing

5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Blog Writing

Words have the potential to create magic. When appropriately woven, they can instantly create an emotional attachment with readers. Whether you want to start a blog or desire to become a freelance writer, you need to work upon your writing skills to make it better and...
Writing Under a Pen Name – Risks and Profits

Writing Under a Pen Name – Risks and Profits

Esther Pauline Friedman Lederer did it. Samuel Langhorne Clemens did it. Theodor Geisel did it. Why shouldn’t you? These mere mortals were able to brand themselves as Ann Landers, Mark Twain, and Dr. Seuss. They chose to keep their identities anonymous and apparently...
7 Reasons Why No One is Reading Your Blog

7 Reasons Why No One is Reading Your Blog

How many repeat visitors to your website or blog do you really have? If the latest statistics show that nobody’s coming back to your site for more than a perfunctory second look, chances are there is a problem – or multiple problems. Here are seven likely reasons why...
How Safe is Your Blog from Fatigue?

How Safe is Your Blog from Fatigue?

Working from home has become so glamorized that most keen entrepreneurs entering into it don’t really quite understand the realities of running a blog. I remember the dangling carrots that initially caught my attention. They went something like this: “… become...
How to Optimize an E-mail Generating Newsletter

How to Optimize an E-mail Generating Newsletter

Newsletters can make an accidental or first time visitor, who has come to your site because they saw something of interest to come back again as an interested reader. So long as they keep their subscription to your newsletter, you will have a consistent reader who will return to your site.

10 Quick Tips to Remember When Starting a Blog

10 Quick Tips to Remember When Starting a Blog

Pick a Niche: Blogs that have the most success stick to a specific niche. Do not just write about anything that comes to mind, write about your area of expertise. Cater your content to a specific audience and industry. Find the Right Blog Solution: Self-hosting or 3rd...
Blog Marketing Strategies: That Makes People Click

Blog Marketing Strategies: That Makes People Click

Blogs have become the communication tool of the next generation. They no longer need to spend a lot of money if they want to communicate with the masses. They are well equipped with the tools in their PC. While this is true, it also has its own share of side effects....
Building Online Relationships: How Do We Do It?

Building Online Relationships: How Do We Do It?

One of the most important success factors for your blog is going to be how you go about building relationships.  Getting people to check in with you regularly is crucial if your blog is going to thrive and flourish.  It can seem daunting when you first consider how to...
How Can SMBs Use Blogging To Improve Local Sales?

How Can SMBs Use Blogging To Improve Local Sales?

Of late, there have been a lot of attempts by small businesses to get visibility on local searches – and not without reason. Local SEO is very rapidly replacing the traditional Yellow Pages primarily because it is simpler, faster and more accurate. Under these...
5 Ways to Improve Your Guest Blogging Strategy

5 Ways to Improve Your Guest Blogging Strategy

As mentioned several times before on this site and others, guest posting is a wonderful way to engage in a genuine and effective link-building strategy. Still, not many who first embark on the guest blogging process completely understand how it works. Here are a few...