Step-By-Step Guide For Launching a Virtual Product

Step-By-Step Guide For Launching a Virtual Product

It can be an exhausting process when launching and marketing a virtual product.  This post is suppose to act as a step-by-step guide that will show you the process of creating a product, all the way to your launch. 1.  Product Research So hopefully you have an idea or...
5 Important Elements of a Sales Landing Page

5 Important Elements of a Sales Landing Page

Every great sales or lead generation landing page have certain similar characteristics to them.  Those characteristics lead to increases in sales, leads and overall conversion rates. Let’s take a look at the different elements of a successful landing page. 1. ...
5 MUSTS for Integrating a New Shopping Cart

5 MUSTS for Integrating a New Shopping Cart

With more and more people turning to shopping online, it is important to e-retailers to stay up-to-date with all of the latest technology and functionality related to e-commerce.  Shopping carts now days are becoming more sophisticated with payment options, shipping...
9 Things to Do To Improve Your Checkout Process

9 Things to Do To Improve Your Checkout Process

Why is it that many businesses focus too much on landing pages but do not do the same for their checkout pages? This is a big mistake given that the checkout process is just as important as the landing page. After all, it is not unheard of for the customer to abandon...
Cyber Monday 2009 – Boom or Bust?

Cyber Monday 2009 – Boom or Bust?

Today is Cyber Monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year.  This is the day where online retailers slash prices in order to start the holiday shopping season off with a bang. According to and Forrester Research, online retailers are optimistic about...
5 Tips for Finding Keywords With Commercial Intent

5 Tips for Finding Keywords With Commercial Intent

With the holidays right around the corner, it is important to understand what users are searching for that have commercial intent.  Commercial intent is simply a phrase that means someone has the intent on purchasing a product or service.  Understanding this concept...
The Problem with Product Descriptions

The Problem with Product Descriptions

All e-commerce sites have at least one thing in common – products. Whether they’re in the dozens or thousands, each item needs to have its own page. As with any site, those pages also have to be populated. Now this is no easy task. Obviously the size of...
Not Popular Yet? Do the Affectation!

Not Popular Yet? Do the Affectation!

You are just a startup business owner and you don’t know where to begin your promotion. You already have a website but since you launched it on the Web, no one from your prospect market has visited it yet. You have hundreds of Twitter followers but no one bothered to...
Top 10 PayPal Alternatives

Top 10 PayPal Alternatives

PayPal is an online payment processing website, it acts like banks where you can save money, receive payments, payout, make transfers and shop online etc. PayPal is very good and effective in its function; in fact, it is rated as one of the leaders in online payment...
How To Improve Your Product Descriptions

How To Improve Your Product Descriptions

You may have noticed that over the last two months on Stay on Search, a few articles discussing how important product descriptions can be for an e-commerce’s internet marketing strategy popped up.  The first of which discussed the delicate yet vital process of...
Paypal vs Google Checkout

Paypal vs Google Checkout

When looking to setup a merchant account, both Paypal and Google Checkout are great solutions. They both have pros and cons but I wanted to give a brief overview of the two merchant solutions. Solutions Paypal Paypal offers both a personal and business account. Google...
5 Features your E-commerce Website Must Have

5 Features your E-commerce Website Must Have

Online shopping is just easy. Or, it should be. E-commerce websites have the potential to grow a brand, increase sales, and build brand loyalty. However, if your site is arduous to navigate and doesn’t provide enough information, you might end up alienating potential...
Ho Ho Holiday Headlines from the Top Retailers

Ho Ho Holiday Headlines from the Top Retailers

With Christmas right around the corner, retailers are trying to tailor every marketing message on their site to compel holiday shoppers to buy some last minute gifts. Here are a number of call to action graphics and headlines the top retailers are using to stimulate...
Key Elements When Starting an Ecomerce Blog

Key Elements When Starting an Ecomerce Blog

Before you start an Ecomerce blog, it is important that you decide what elements you want to use. A very basic blog may just use one element; while a more advanced one will incorporate all of the different ideas that are discussed below. You will need to figure out...
5 Tips for Optimizing an E-Commerce Site

5 Tips for Optimizing an E-Commerce Site

One of the golden rules of SEO is that you have to optimize each and every page of your site individually. On-site optimization includes conducting keyword research based on the content of a page, writing a unique title tag and Meta description that reflect the...