How To Start A Google AdWords Campaign

How To Start A Google AdWords Campaign

Are you new to Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising? Have you determined that PPC Advertising may be profitable for your business? This post is for those who are new to PPC Advertising and would like to get off to a fast start buying keywords on Google! Here are some steps...
The First 5 Things You Should Do in a New PPC Campaign

The First 5 Things You Should Do in a New PPC Campaign

In Google AdWords, whenever you start a new campaign, there are a myriad of options available at the campaign level ranging from networks, bidding, budgets, ad serving, dates, times, location, language, experiments, ad position and devices to name a few. But what are...
Why Facebook PPC is Unique and How to Take Advantage

Why Facebook PPC is Unique and How to Take Advantage

We all know the big three paid search marketing venues have been established and constitute a significant portion of our online experience: Google, Bing, and Facebook.  Although all three are important in this business, one of them is very much not like the other two....
Understanding the Different Types of Content Creation

Understanding the Different Types of Content Creation

A few weeks ago I got an email from a reader asking me about content creation specific to all the different types of content for the web.  Since that is more of an involved question than replying with a simple e-mail, I told him that I would answer his question in an...
Panda and the New Google

Panda and the New Google

Google is a great example of how powerful the Internet really is.  With more users than all the other search engines combined, and by a crazy wide margin, Google is a powerhouse the likes of which the business community hasn’t seen for a long while. No More...
What Will the Internet Be Like in 2025

What Will the Internet Be Like in 2025

It’s amazing how fast the Internet is moving!  I remember like it was yesterday when I had to use my obnoxiously loud 56k modem to dial into America Online.  A welcome message would popup that gave me access to my email, “Channels” and buddy list. ...
How to Use PPC to Complement SEO

How to Use PPC to Complement SEO

Recently I wrote a blog post on How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces, so I thought it would be beneficial to show how PPC can help to compliment SEO.  Now that Pay-Per-Click (at least in Google) is becoming so saturated with advertisers, compared to 5-7 years...
6 Types of Training for Internet Marketers

6 Types of Training for Internet Marketers

Continuing education for an internet marketer is a must! The industry is always changing and evolving, so it is important to have a system in place that allows for you stay up-to-date with what’s going on in the industry.  There are lots of different ways that...
AdWords Bid Management: How to Lower Minimum Bid Costs

AdWords Bid Management: How to Lower Minimum Bid Costs

The day has come to take your website live! You researched the market, spent money on designing a killer website specifically for your industry, and are ready to jump in with both feet. The excitement grows steadily until you decide to sign up for Google AdWords, and...
Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Investing Your Internet Marketing Dollars Wisely

Like any company, you have a budget. So how do you know if you are putting your internet marketing dollars to good use? Unfortunately there is no secret formulate to follow that tells you what percentage of your budget you should be spending on each marketing...
Why Affiliate Marketers are The BEST Marketers

Why Affiliate Marketers are The BEST Marketers

Hopefully just by reading the blog post title, it got your attention!  It may seem like a bit of a bold statement and I’m sure many of you disagree with this statement.  However let me try to explain my point of why I think affiliate marketers are the best...
Five Ways to Quickly Increase Email Response Rates

Five Ways to Quickly Increase Email Response Rates

A higher percentage of people go online just for sake of checking their emails. And there’s no doubt that email marketing can prove to be an extremely powerful tool for reaching out to new customers. However, the success of an email marketing campaign depends on the...
3 Key Steps to Starting an A/B Test

3 Key Steps to Starting an A/B Test

Ever wondered if your site would generate more sales/leads with a larger call to action (CTA)? Perhaps reducing the amount of text and using bullet lists instead? Even the experts will tell you “It depends…”, but with 3 easy steps you can let your...
How to Use Ad Extensions to Improve PPC Campaigns

How to Use Ad Extensions to Improve PPC Campaigns

You may believe it or not but the pay per click ads have already captured majority of the properties found in the results pages of search engines. If you are in doubt about this, then spend a minute to do a search in Google for something that you wish to purchase over...
Understanding the PPC Advertising Editorial Guidelines

Understanding the PPC Advertising Editorial Guidelines

If you are just starting out with doing some paid search campaigns, it can be very frustrating when you keep seeing your ads get disapproved.  That is why it is important to learn each of the advertising editorial guidelines, so you reduce the chance of getting your...
Making the Most Out of Your YouTube Channel

Making the Most Out of Your YouTube Channel

I wanted to thank everyone who submitted their feedback on other “Making the Most Out of…” posts we should write about.  Using your suggestions, I got a number of people requesting a post on how to better utilize your YouTube channel, so that’s...
Four Search Marketing Strategies That Work

Four Search Marketing Strategies That Work

Search engine marketing is the art of promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engines using SEO techniques, PPC, contextual advertising and more. What makes search marketing different is the fact that you do not search for customers. They search...
Ultimate Roundup of Advertising Networks

Ultimate Roundup of Advertising Networks

PPC, PPV, Banner Ads, Media Buys, Text Link Ads, Video Sponsored Ads, Mobile Ads….the list goes on and on.  I thought I would compile a HUGE list of all of the different advertising networks that are out there.  Feel free to help ad to the list and leave a...
15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

15 Websites to Find Excellent Internet Marketing Whitepapers

Whitepapers have been a great marketing tool for gaining industry credibility, relevant leads, and more traffic to your website. Even though there are probably thousands of Internet Marketing Whitepapers out there, there are a select bunch that are know for creating industry-recognized, high-quality whitepapers.

Point Copy Profit, 16 Year Old Making 6 Figures Online!

Point Copy Profit, 16 Year Old Making 6 Figures Online!

As you may have noticed recently I have been trying to add more information about making money online, rather than just the normal SEO and social media type posts that you are accustom of seeing.  I think this is extremely important, as it is one thing to be able to...
What Makes a Dynamic Internet Marketer?

What Makes a Dynamic Internet Marketer?

What does it mean to be a dynamic marketer? To me, a dynamic marketer has a balanced, long-term marketing approach that involves all aspects of Internet Marketing.  They need to be able to adapt, move fast, be willing to fail, and understand what their target market...
Creating Content of Substance vs Blah! Blah! Blah!

Creating Content of Substance vs Blah! Blah! Blah!

Recently I have been speaking to a few companies about content development.  During our discussions a lot of questions were asked around the type of content that should be produced.  What I explained to them were that are different types of content and strategies...
Top 5 Facebook Advertising Tips

Top 5 Facebook Advertising Tips

Facebook is becoming an outstanding traffic generation strategy to drive massive amounts of traffic for extremely low CPC or CPM.  I would not say that I am an expert in Facebook Ads, but I have run a number of campaigns and have gone through a number of FB Ad...
When To Implement a Bid Management Tool

When To Implement a Bid Management Tool

If you are managing pay per click campaigns, both on an agency level or as an in-house marketer, you are constantly trying to figure out the best way to maximize your ad spend. Depending on what type of budget you are working with, you may be spending a few minutes a...
4 Tips on Running an International PPC Campaign

4 Tips on Running an International PPC Campaign

Running an international PPC campaign will have its challenges beyond the obstacles that you may run into when running a PPC campaign in just English. The importance of understanding the markets and customers outside of the US are only going to further help you see a...
InBundles: The Newest Place For Daily Deals

InBundles: The Newest Place For Daily Deals

By now, probably everyone has heard of Groupon and LivingSocial, and now a new service called InBundles joins the party for offering daily deals and specials specific to a certain city. Currently, InBundles caters to only people who are looking for discounts on local...