It’s amazing how fast the Internet is moving!  I remember like it was yesterday when I had to use my obnoxiously loud 56k modem to dial into America Online.  A welcome message would popup that gave me access to my email, “Channels” and buddy list.  At that time, I thought AOL was the internet…..

Now, about 15 years later….look at how different and more complex the Internet has become.

The evolution of Search Engines, online shopping, communication, and content delivery has changed the way we live our lives.  Now-days whatever you wanted to buy or do in real life, you can do online.  If you want to buy a car go to, if you wanted to buy a house just search, if you want to buy a pair of jeans go to

Just take a look at the web technology timeline over just the last 10 years.

Probably the biggest changes over the last 5 years or so is obviously the evolution of Social Media.  Even though Instant Messaging and social networks have been around for probably 10 years now, it has only been in the last 3-5 years, that is has really become mainstream as people’s primary source for connecting with friends, family and co-workers.  The all mighty Facebook will basically tell you anything you would like to know about a person and provide you instant access to millions of people.

The power of social media has transformed the web into something AMAZING!  It gives people the ability to connect with other like-minded people and share their knowledge and experiences instantly!

Where Will the Internet Be in 2025?

I can only imagine what the internet will be like in 5, 10, 20 years from now.  It is growing at such a rapid pace, that it is almost impossible to keep up with.

If I had to guess, I would have to bank on mobile becoming a much bigger part of how people access the internet.  As mobile devices become better and more sophisticated, people will be able to multi-task and do more with them.

I also believe that TV, Internet and Phone will mesh into one super communication tool, where you will be able use any of these platforms through one main interface.  Things like Radio, TV, Movies, Gaming will all be real-time.  No need to buy new games or cds…you can just access these things in real-time through the web.

I see one potential problem being that there will be more spam and ways to saturate the Internet with for lack of a better work “crap”.  With the invention of new types of web sites and technologies, there are always going to be people that want to spam or make a quick buck by leveraging vulnerabilities.

What Do You Think?

Where do you see the Internet in the next decade?  What types of technologies are we going to have?  How will people be communicating with each other?