New York Times Exposes Google Ranking Anomaly

New York Times Exposes Google Ranking Anomaly

The New York Times ran a story dealing with a specialist designer eyewear company based in Brooklyn. The online company had a strict SEO policy – behave as rudely and as badly to every customer as was possible. Behavior included – threatening physical harm, issuing...
Get Your StayOnSearch Contributor Badge

Get Your StayOnSearch Contributor Badge

As StayOnSearch continues to grow rapidly, I wanted to give you guys a way to show off your guest post contributions.  For anyone who has contributed at least one guest post to StayOnSearch, will be allowed to post one of our SOS Contributor badges on your website or...
Google Panda Algorithm Update [Infographic]

Google Panda Algorithm Update [Infographic]

I was recently contacted by Carlos Paulinich, who created this amazing infographic that shows a graphical representation of the Google Panda Update.  I thought I would share it with the readers. Make sure you give him some props on his amazing job! Image...
What Will the Internet Be Like in 2025

What Will the Internet Be Like in 2025

It’s amazing how fast the Internet is moving!  I remember like it was yesterday when I had to use my obnoxiously loud 56k modem to dial into America Online.  A welcome message would popup that gave me access to my email, “Channels” and buddy list. ...
New Twitter Interface Revealed!

New Twitter Interface Revealed!

Some of you may have already noticed, but Twitter announced yesterday that they will be rolling out a new user interface.  They will be pushing the new interface to a select test group initially, and then to the entire community over the next few weeks.  This is one...
The 411 on Blog World Expo 2010

The 411 on Blog World Expo 2010

October 14th marks the start of Blog World Expo 2010 in Las Vegas.  I am happy and excited to say that I will be attending this year, hoping to meet some of my favorite bloggers and Internet Marketers like Darren Rowse, Jonathan Volk, Jeremy Schomaker, John Chow, and...
SWX West: Matt Cutts Live with WebProNews

SWX West: Matt Cutts Live with WebProNews

Mike McDonald took some time during SMX West to talk to Matt Cutts to get a recap on the session he contributed to, as well as to give us an update on relevant search questions Matt Recaps “Ask the Search Engines” session Google Caffine: Rolled it out to...
Google Offering Free Airport Wifi For The Holidays

Google Offering Free Airport Wifi For The Holidays

Virgin American flights starting November 10th, 2009 will be be giving away complimentary in-fight wifi from 47 participating airports across the country.  The promotion is Google’s way of giving back during the Christmas season.  The free wifi service will go...
Arkayne, WP Related Posts Plugin on Steroids

Arkayne, WP Related Posts Plugin on Steroids

I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but i added a new WordPress plugin to the blog that will pull in related and recommended posts at the bottom of each blog post.  This new plugin is brought to you by Arkayne, an awesome new product that will help you optimize and...
Kristi Hines and Ryan Beale Join the StayOnSearch Team

Kristi Hines and Ryan Beale Join the StayOnSearch Team

I am pleased to announce that we are adding two outstanding bloggers and Internet Marketers to the StayOnSearch team.  If you can give Kristi Hines and Ryan Beale a warm welcome as they will be contributing on a regular basis, their marketing expertise and insights to...
How To Stay Positive and Optimistic

How To Stay Positive and Optimistic

I would first like to just preface that post by saying that it will NOT discuss anything related to Internet Marketing, so I am sorry in advance to the readers who usually enjoy the tips and strategies we typically discuss.  However I will say that this post will...
InBundles: The Newest Place For Daily Deals

InBundles: The Newest Place For Daily Deals

By now, probably everyone has heard of Groupon and LivingSocial, and now a new service called InBundles joins the party for offering daily deals and specials specific to a certain city. Currently, InBundles caters to only people who are looking for discounts on local...
Link Builders Toolkit v2.0 Launch w/ Special Offer

Link Builders Toolkit v2.0 Launch w/ Special Offer

Since the launch of the Link Builders Toolkit back in April of this year, I have received a ton of positive feedback on the product.  I also received some awesome suggestions on how I could improve it.  So I took all of that feedback and have updated the toolkit to...
Cyber Monday 2009 – Boom or Bust?

Cyber Monday 2009 – Boom or Bust?

Today is Cyber Monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year.  This is the day where online retailers slash prices in order to start the holiday shopping season off with a bang. According to and Forrester Research, online retailers are optimistic about...
List Eruption Launches w/ Special 7 Day Discount!

List Eruption Launches w/ Special 7 Day Discount!

Today is the day!  Hopefully by now, you have been following the List Eruption launch week posts and have been getting as excited as I have been.  Today we are officially launching List Eruption to the public. If you may have missed the sneak peak post about List...
Trying to Find a SEO Company?  Check Out

Trying to Find a SEO Company? Check Out

Personally I have never been very fond of all of the broad directories out there like Superpages, CitySearch or YellowPages.  Mainly because there are just SO many businesses listed in each of these directories, that your head will start to spin.  It makes it hard to...
Google Announces Real-Time Search and Google Goggles

Google Announces Real-Time Search and Google Goggles

Google is making some news today at the Google Search Event, with the launch of real-time search and Google Goggles.  As we all know users are needing information faster than ever before.  With blogs and social media sites like Twitter and Facebook allowing people to...
YouTube Introduces Video Edits

YouTube Introduces Video Edits

YouTube has introduced a new editing feature on Wednesday.  This allows users to edit their videos on the website. The user can edit the already uploaded videos and the videos will retain the same video IDs so that the counts and comments are not lost. All the links...