SEOmoz launched a new link analysis tool yesterday, called Open Site Explorer which leverages the Linkscape index to provide comprehensive link data. Currently it will provide up to 1,000 backlinks and link metrics in its analysis. There is also an API that you may use that allows you to do almost anything you would like with the data.
For the first 48 hours, you may try the new tool with full functionality. Once the free preview is up, you will have to purchase a PRO member in order to use Open Site Explorer.
To get started, just enter a url and Open Site Explorer will provide complete link data.
For a quick birds eye view of your link profile, you will get some broad data including page & domain authority, the number of links pointing to a root domain and the total number of links pointing to the entire domain.
From there you can segment, filter, and sort the data is a number of ways. You are able to see the links pointing to your domain, along with anchor text used, page authority and domain authority. Filter the results by showing “followed” links, “nofollowed” links or “301” redirected links. You can also filter by links pointing to the root domain or a particular page.
Probably my favorite feature of the Open Site Explorer tool is the visual representation of your link profile. See total links that are being followed or nofollowed, your domain/page mozRank and mozTrust rankings, and external/internal followed links.
Its hard to say if Open Site Explorer is going to be a Yahoo! Site Explorer killer, but my initial impressions are that with Linkscape indexing about 65 million pages and 63 million domains, the link data is going to be the best out there. I expect that users signing up for PRO memberships with increase dramatically because of the new tool, however it may only be cost effective for agencies, internet marketers, and larger companies.
With Open Site Explorer only launching less than 24 hours ago, there has already been a lot of positive things being said.
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