Mobile Social Media: Opening Up a New Horizon

Mobile Social Media: Opening Up a New Horizon

At present, it is the era of social media. Social media is now being used to promote businesses and raise awareness about various matters which are in public interest.  Social media marketing is a new and path breaking effort in the field of marketing that is being...
Gary Vaynerchuk, Social Media in Action

Gary Vaynerchuk, Social Media in Action

When it comes to social branding, there is none better than Gary Vaynerchuk.  Gary has build one of the largest followings on the web and he continues to gain new fans everyday.  For people that are not firmilar with Gary, he is a wine enthusiast…to say the...
Essential Twitter Searches for Your Business

Essential Twitter Searches for Your Business

When it comes to Twitter, there is a wealth of information that is at your fingertips, as most everything on Twitter is public record. For businesses, this can mean a wealth of market research, lead generation, and reputation monitoring can be done with the use of...
Why You Should Monitor Your Brand

Why You Should Monitor Your Brand

No matter who you are, you should be monitoring your brand. Your brand could be anything from your own name, your business or company name, your product, your blog, and so on. Brand monitoring isn’t just about reputation management issues – it’s...
Google+ Working for Your Business

Google+ Working for Your Business

As anyone can tell from Google’s stock on the trade market, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Google+ is a testament to the new technology in search engine features, which Google continues to improve upon. This awesome Google software enables social...
Why You Need Dedicated Social Media Personnel

Why You Need Dedicated Social Media Personnel

If your company or business uses Social Media to advertise, market and brand your business you might already know how powerful and persuasive it can be.  Sites like FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and the rest (and boy are there a lot of them) can increase your...
How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

I have discussed with a number of people recently the debate about what is considered Search Engine Optimization and what is considered Social Media.  To tell you the truth, I feel like they are starting to blend together to become the ultimate marketing machine on...
Panda and the New Google

Panda and the New Google

Google is a great example of how powerful the Internet really is.  With more users than all the other search engines combined, and by a crazy wide margin, Google is a powerhouse the likes of which the business community hasn’t seen for a long while. No More...
Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Evolution of Search Engine Optimization Death to the Old SEO Methods There is a prevailing theme often heard in Internet Marketing that Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is DEAD.  Any number of reasons can be attributed to this idea, and there are many...
Top 25 Social Media Keyword Search Tools

Top 25 Social Media Keyword Search Tools

Want to find out who is talking about what in your niche or industry? There are many search engines that allow you to search one or multiple sources of information to see real time results. Check out these popular (and free) blog, forum, and social media search...
100 Marketers You MUST Follow on Twitter

100 Marketers You MUST Follow on Twitter

If you haven’t already seen my previous post about 100 SEO blogs you should subscribe to, make sure you check it out.  In this collection, I wanted to highlight a number of marketers who really stand out from the crowd and do an outstanding job of engaging on...
Top Facebook Application Development Companies

Top Facebook Application Development Companies

Recently I have noticed some killer Facebook applications designed to give your Fan Page more flair. I thought I would feature some of the companies that built these applications, along with links to these custom applications that you can try out on your own Facebook...
New Twitter Interface Revealed!

New Twitter Interface Revealed!

Some of you may have already noticed, but Twitter announced yesterday that they will be rolling out a new user interface.  They will be pushing the new interface to a select test group initially, and then to the entire community over the next few weeks.  This is one...
What Does Google+ Mean For My Blog?

What Does Google+ Mean For My Blog?

Google+ has been out for over a month now, and incorporating another social media site with your blog can be a daunting task if you are looking for solid results. Thankfully, Google has integrated the +1 feature, compared to the “like” on Facebook. But what benefit is...
How To Measure Social Media ROI

How To Measure Social Media ROI

Measure the ROI from a social media campaign, is much different than measuring a Pay-Per-Click or Banner Placement campaign.  The reason is because there are many qualitative factors and other moving pieces that are hard to measure.  Things like branding, company...
Top 10 Ways to Grow Your Twitter Following

Top 10 Ways to Grow Your Twitter Following

Individuals and businesses around the world are unleashing the power of social media as you read this.  While almost every social network adds value to the world in some way, some enjoy more exposure and popularity than others do. As we stand today, Twitter is...
Karmin Music – Social Media Case Study

Karmin Music – Social Media Case Study

A few months, I happen to stumble across a HOT new music duo when I was wasting away my day on YouTube. The band “Karmin” are two up and coming artists that have been using YouTube to jump-start their music careers. Like thousands of other musicians, they...
So, what does the Groundswell mean?

So, what does the Groundswell mean?

I just finished reading “Groundswell: winning in a world transformed by social technologies” by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. This is a must read for any internet marketer or company looking to implement Social Media Strategies. This book is jam packed with social...
Location Based Social Media Safety Tips

Location Based Social Media Safety Tips

With more and more happening in the way of location based social media, including deals that you get and contests you can enter simply by checking into places, there is also a growing need to remind people just what they are sharing when they “check in”...
Filter Your Following with Forumlists

Filter Your Following with Forumlists

While perusing the recent Twitter lists that I have been added to, I spotted several that were generated by @formulists. Intrigued, I Googled it and was led to an interesting service that automatically creates Twitter lists based on particular specifications. Basic...
What is the Google+ Project? A Look Inside…

What is the Google+ Project? A Look Inside…

By now, almost everyone has heard about the new and exciting release of the Google+ Project, the latest product from Google.  I myself have only been using it for a few weeks, so I am still trying to get use to it and test out all of the features it has.  This is the...
Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using Google Keyword Tool Among other functions, the Google Adwords keyword tool plays a vital role in effective SEO. All know the role of SEO on internet and the benefits it brings. If you ever plan to optimize your web content, you will definitely come across this...