Quick Response Codes better known as QR Codes are frequently used in the physical world to drive individuals to check out websites, social media platforms, articles, music releases and of course videos. However, many marketers have actually been daring to take QR Codes onto the web.
Traditionally QR Codes are just scannable versions of lengthy URLs that would be impractical to try and market in the real world. As a result many marketers don’t see the need to place QR Codes on the Internet when they already have clickable URLs available for online users.
Although, this does not mean that QR Codes can’t have an impact online. In fact they’ve actually began to converge with Internet video in an exceptionally strong way. With this bond only getting stronger and more popular on the web, this article aims to find out precisely how best to use QR Codes to market Internet video.
Using QR Codes Within Internet Video
There are two key uses of QR Codes with Internet video; using QR Codes within Internet video and Using QR Codes to market Internet video.
There’s much debate over the inclusion of QR codes within Internet videos due to that fact that QR Codes can be easily swapped for URLs to achieve the exact same result. However, QR Codes are for a Smart Phone market, and Smart Phones are yet to become universal. That means that there’s still users out there getting a new Smart Phone who will excitedly want to use the features it provides, such as QR Code scanning.
Never underestimate the power of novelty value that’s surrounding the tools of Smart Phones. It’s a concept that will stay with the device until it reaches worldwide saturation, which it’s further away from doing then some might think.
By playing on this unique nature of QR Codes, marketers can ensure that users scanning their codes within Internet videos will pay close attention to the material that generates as a result of the scan.
The guys and gals at Mighty Wallet used this unique power of QR Codes in the Internet video marketing campaigns of their wallets:
Now the downside to this Mighty Wallet ad is that it’s a repurposed Television ad rather than a specific online ad. The repurposed ad was made to reach a wider online audience, not just regional TV viewership. The concept to note is the clever call to action for the QR Code, which means that users will be even more inclined to scan the code than perhaps they would were it just a typical QR Code placement.
Hyundai also take this approach in a far more creative QR Code creation, whilst promoting the codes placement in the local newspaper. Unfortunately the indication of where to look out for the code is severely stunted by showing the code already in the video. Regardless of that slip up the viral potential this video has with its creation of the code, will certainly have boosted the awareness of the campaign and generated a substantial amount of QR Code scans.
Eventually the novelty of QR Code scanning may wear off, which will make its placement within Internet videos very rare. Unique ways of using the codes within videos will perhaps still be able to create a large amount of scans, but in time the relationship between QR Codes and Internet video will shift towards the second key use of QR Codes – marketing Internet video using QR Codes.
Using QR Codes To Market Internet Video
QR Codes are used to market just about anything, from events and special offers to websites and of course videos. The use of the QR Code differs here because the code is being used on and offline to promote certain media. Although the essence of using QR Codes because they are new, exciting and quirky ways to get users to check out online media is still the same. In time this quirkiness may fade, but for now QR Codes are marketing Internet videos in some very innovative ways:
Musician Jessica Lea Mayfield uses QR Codes on concert posters to ensure audiences come and check out her performances by linking the code to her music video. By using the popularity of Internet video and the effortless nature of the QR Code scan, the performer has helped to strengthen the power of her print-based campaign:
It’s not just DIY performers who are utilising the powerful convergence of QR Codes and Internet video, so too are Calvin Klein Jeans:
Three similar QR Code billboards were created to get users to check out the ‘uncensored’ version of their Jeans advertisement on the web. A large placement of a QR Code like this will certainly boost brand awareness and maximise the amount of scans, which will in turn optimise the amount of views for their Internet video ad.
The majority of Smart Phones that scan a link directly for a YouTube video will instantly bring up the video on screen allowing the user to go from scan to view extremely quickly. This speed allows users to see a brand and pick up its message easily and effectively. This will make the connection between the brand and the viewer much stronger as a result of the quick, user-friendly interface.
With Internet video being one of the most popular forms of media on the web, linking QR Codes to videos is quite possibly the most powerful combination of QR Code and media out there. Websites and text based media could potentially be far too daunting to digest on a small Smart Phone screen, whereas a video is a perfect fit for the Smart Phone platform.
The powerful convergence between QR Codes and Internet video essentially comes down to the popularity of the video media, videos ability to fit perfectly onto a Smart Phone screen, the ease of use to go from QR Code scan to video content, and the curiosity both QR Codes and video play buttons provide to a viewer. Utilising this connection both inside Internet videos and in order to market Internet videos will be an exceptional marketing benefit for any blog, brand or business in any niche.
About The Author
Andy Havard is a Marketing Executive at Skeleton Productions, a UK based Internet video production company.