As most people know, you can’t just pick up the phone and talk to a Google representative…unless you want to spend money in Google Adwords.  So here is a comprehensive list of request and contact forms for various Google products.

Website Request Forms
  • Webpage Removal Request Tool: This tool is used if you would like Google to remove a page, image, or information from their index.
  • Report Paid Links:  Google has stated multiple times that sites that pay for inbound links to increase search position will be penalized.  If you feel that a site is purchasing links, you can report them to Google.
  • Request Site Reinclusion:  Within Google Webmaster Tools you can request that Google re-includes your site, if for some reason they banned your site for violation of their guidelines.
  • Adult Content Removal Request: If your name or company name appears on adult content sites, that are spamming Google search results, use this form.
  • Google Enterprise & Site Search:  If you have a question in regards to your site search and Google enterprise products.
Google Maps Forms
General Forms
  • Report an Instance of Spam (general):  If a site in the Google search results does not meet their guidelines you can report the site to Google.  The most common requests are for sites with hidden text, cloaked links, deceptive redirects, keyword stuffing, doorway pages, and duplicate pages/sites.
  • General Feedback:  If you feel that Google is not providing valuable search results or you are concerned with something Google is doing, you can send feedback to Google.
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act Infringement Process:  If another site has infringed on your content, you can notify google by writing to them.  Make sure you follow the process in order for your request to be processed in a timely manner.
  • Add URL to Google:  If you site is new or has not been indexed yet, you can submit your URL to Google.
  • Privacy Policy Question:  If you have a question about Google’s privacy policy or your personal information use this form.
  • Google Accounts Access:  Submit this for if you cannot access your Google account.
  • Security Issues: Follow these steps to contact Google about security issues for all Google products.


  • Bulk Sender Contact Form: If you are looking to send bulk emails via Gmail, you may want to submit a request to Google to make sure they don’t ban your account.

Google News

Google Merchant Center

  • Disapproved Data Feeds or Items: If you have changed your feed or have a inquiry about why Google has disapproved a feed/item you can submit your inquiry here.

Google Adwords

  • Adwords Feedback & Suggestions: Use this form if you have a general inquiry or feedbackc for Google Adwords.
  • Report Phishing: If you receive emails from people claiming to be Google, submit the information to Google immediately.
  • Contact Click Quality Team:  If you sense click fraud or suspicious activity with your Adwords account, contact the click quality team.
  • Adwords Account Issues:  If you account was hacked or you are having login issues you can contact a Google Adwords specialist.

If anyone else knows of any other important forms that people would use frequently, please let me know and I will add them to the list.

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