What does it mean to be a dynamic marketer? To me, a dynamic marketer has a balanced, long-term marketing approach that involves all aspects of Internet Marketing.  They need to be able to adapt, move fast, be willing to fail, and understand what their target market wants.

Let’s go through a number of characteristics that a dynamic marketer should have.

Understands the Bigger Picture

There are a lot of fly by night marketers out there, who are in it just to make a quick buck.  Marketers who do black-hat SEO or focus strictly on one aspect of Internet Marketing, usually never succeed because they either get caught by Google or when the only tactic they used doesn’t work anymore, they fail.

If you have a balanced approach, that involves multiple traffic and lead generation tactics, you don’t have to rely on just one aspect to make or break your marketing campaign.  In order to have a balanced approach, you must be experienced in tactics like SEO, Paid Search, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media, E-mail marketing, and Analytics/Testing.  Within all of those tactics understanding how to build a list, build trust/credibility, increase usability, generate conversions, drive users to an action…all are things a dynamic marketer should understand.

Of course this can take years and years of training and experience to truly master these aspects.  Not to mention that Internet Marketing is a field that is ever changing, so being able to adapt and learn new marketer trends is crucial.

Has an Established Personal Brand

A great marketer will have a goal of creating a personal brand for themselves.  The reason is that the odds of a marketer staying with the same company for their entire professional career is slim.  A marketer should know better than anyone, that you always want to keep yourself marketable.  If you have built a personal brand, that will carry over to anywhere you go.  It gives you the opportunity for career advancements and for establishing yourself as an expert in the industry.

Knows What the Industry Wants

One of the biggest parts of Internet Marketing is just listening to the industry for what they are asking for.  If you are creating a product, step one is knowing what type of product to create.  If you know what the market is asking for, once you create the product, it should be an easy winner!

Leveraging your current blog readers, customers, and marketing list to gain feedback and suggestions will help to get inside the head of your audience and have them dictate what and how you should market.

Can Write Great Content and Sales Copy

When I first started in the industry, I thought I was a pretty good marketer when I just knew about PPC and SEO.  I thought I had the power to drive all the traffic in the word to my site and make users do whatever I wanted them to do.  Boy was I wrong!  There is so much more to it than just being able to make a website rank for a keyword/phrase.

The power of writing compelling content and ad copy is extremely crucial.  Being able to craft an enticing sales page, writing a PPC ad that drastically increases CTR, or writing an killer email marketing auto responder sequence.

Has a Following

One of the hardest things to do as a marketer is to drive traffic to the site.  Once you can do this, creating a following and making money is relatively easy.  Having the power of thousands of RSS subscribers to your blog, an email marketing list of tens of thousands and tons of traffic to a site, allows you to do so much as a marketer.

  • Sell Ad Space
  • Promote Your Own Product
  • Promote Affiliate Products
  • Build Awareness for other Business Ventures
  • Build Credibility for New Domains
  • Increase Your Brand and Authority
  • Overall, Make More Money!

Can Maximize their Budget

It is one thing to understand the concepts of different marketing strategies, it is another to actually practice those concepts in real life.  With real life experience you can begin to improve your skills and maximize your time and money.

  • Learn what works and what doesn’t for different industries
  • Understands how to properly test landing pages, copy, designs, etc…for better conversions
  • Can utilize under-served ad networks to drive cheap traffic with paid search
  • Can maximize a website visit to squeeze contact info or a sales out of them