8 Other Types of Content You Can’t Go Wrong With

8 Other Types of Content You Can’t Go Wrong With

Content marketing isn’t just about blogs and articles. There are various ways to repurpose your content, reproduce existing content in various other forms, and even publish content specifically geared for various channels and opportunities available. Of course it’s...
Trying to Find a SEO Company?  Check Out FindSEOs.com

Trying to Find a SEO Company? Check Out FindSEOs.com

Personally I have never been very fond of all of the broad directories out there like Superpages, CitySearch or YellowPages.  Mainly because there are just SO many businesses listed in each of these directories, that your head will start to spin.  It makes it hard to...
Making the Most Out of Google Places

Making the Most Out of Google Places

Recently I have been very impressed with the new Google Places aka Local Business Center.  They have been continuing to add new features to your Local Business Listing that allow you really make the listing a viable marketing tool.  As you probably have noticed,...
How to Find Article Writing Ideas

How to Find Article Writing Ideas

Article marketing is one of the most powerful tactics to enhance your site’s visibility in search engines, get traffic, create brand awareness, acquire backlinks and build expertise in a niche market. But your article marketing efforts can bear fruit only when you...
10 Website & SEO Analysis Tools

10 Website & SEO Analysis Tools

There are a number of SEO tools out there that will let you analyze a site for a number of different factors.  There are link analysis tools, competitive research tools, keyword analysis tools, domain info tools, social bookmarking tools, etc… So instead of...
Interview with Gab Goldenberg, Tips on Selling SEO

Interview with Gab Goldenberg, Tips on Selling SEO

I had the great opportunity to interview Gab Goldenberg, a well-respected industry influencer in the SEO and Internet Marketing community.  I wanted to get some some insights and tips on some important questions about selling Search Engine Optimization. What sales...
The 5 Minute SEO Audit

The 5 Minute SEO Audit

The 5 Minute SEO Audit Tools to have installed prior to performing this SEO audit. – SEO Toolbar – Web Developer Toolbar – Reverse IP Checker – Copyscape 0:00 – 1:00 (Domain History) – Check PageRank – Check # of inbound links...
Tips for B2B Search Engine Marketing

Tips for B2B Search Engine Marketing

Today, strong search engine marketing strategies are a survival necessity for any business, be it a small or big show. Even using this as just a general rule, the fact remains that B2B (business-to-business) marketers will have to think and act slightly different from...
Email Marketing for a Higher Conversion Rate

Email Marketing for a Higher Conversion Rate

In today’s digital times, we sometimes focus too much on SEO and PageRank. While they’re incredibly important to a site’s success, they’re also not the only driving force that’s in play. After all, if your sole aspiration is SEO and not your conversion rate, you’re...
Are Article Submissions for SEO a Thing of the Past?

Are Article Submissions for SEO a Thing of the Past?

Google’s two most famous ever algorithm updates of recent times (which funnily enough are named after black and white animals – Panda and Penguin) have changed the landscape of SEO forever. It’s fair to say that the tactics that worked to help ‘SEO’ your website...
Are You Optimizing Your YouTube Videos Properly?

Are You Optimizing Your YouTube Videos Properly?

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world, so why not leverage that.  As you probably know, video is becoming such a large part in every marketers strategy.  It is a great way to convey a marketing message and to tell a story, where plain text lacks. ...
Part II: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

Part II: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

In Part I of this two part series, I left you saying how inaccurate the CTR’s Google was give are. Now I want you to totally forget what I said! In this post I’m going to take you step-by-step through extracting and changing poor performing descriptions. Step I: Start...
Why Local Search Listings and Reviews Matter

Why Local Search Listings and Reviews Matter

Now that local search has taken an even bigger area of search results in Google, strong local search marketing profiles and reviews matter more than ever. Because it’s not just the reviews on Google itself that count, but those from other major local search...
Why Ranking #1 in Google is Like Winning the Superbowl

Why Ranking #1 in Google is Like Winning the Superbowl

Since we are fresh off a Superbowl victory by the Green Bay Packers , I thought we would analyze how winning the Superbowl is like getting a #1 ranking in Google for a highly competitive keyword/phrase.  If you actually stop and think about it, they are very similar....
Give a Little to Get a Lot with Link Building

Give a Little to Get a Lot with Link Building

When is a link more than just a link? When it has the potential to create even more links! Too often site owners look at link building as a one step practice—find a blog, leave a comment, get a link; write a press release, get a link; share content on Facebook, get a...
5 Basic Tips for Creating Profitable Niche Websites

5 Basic Tips for Creating Profitable Niche Websites

Recently I have been doing a lot of building niche websites and blogs.  I have learned a lot through my extensive research and through actual testing in various markets.  For anyone who is thinking about building a niche website or blog, there are some basic, yet...
2 Reasons to Use Blekko Over Google For Search

2 Reasons to Use Blekko Over Google For Search

When I have a question or want to do research on a product or service, I go strait to Google. I don’t even think. It’s a natural reaction. Google dominates the search engine game. The screen shot below indicates that 71.61% of all search queries for the 4 weeks ending...
How Article Marketing can Help Your Blog

How Article Marketing can Help Your Blog

Article marketing is a great way to promote your blog. Many people might think, article marketing is dead or “old”, but the fact it, it’s not. It works, and it works very well. Basically, you submit an article to the article directories. Once approved, your article...
SEO Battle: Search Tactics Go Head-to-Head

SEO Battle: Search Tactics Go Head-to-Head

I asked Ann Smarty from Search Engine Journal and MyBlogGuest to give her opinion on various search tactics that were put head-to-head.  Although some of these tactics can’t survive without the other, it is interesting to gain Ann’s insights into these...
Making Money Online with SEO [Webinar Replay]

Making Money Online with SEO [Webinar Replay]

Hey guys, I wanted to give everyone who missed the webinar a few weeks back, a chance to watch the replay.  Daniel Lew and I discuss a number of different tactics and strategies for turning your SEO efforts into dollars. We went for almost two hours, so there is a lot...
100 SEO/SEM Blogs You Should Subscribe To

100 SEO/SEM Blogs You Should Subscribe To

Below is a compilation of 100 of the best blogs in search.  The blogs are organized by “theme” including internet marketing news, SEO, eCommerce, social media, blogging, and web design. Feel free to leave me a comment with your own SEO blog and I will...
Using Fiverr for Link Building

Using Fiverr for Link Building

Building backlinks to your website or blog is essential for high search engine rankings.  That’s why I have been testing a number of different tactics and strategies to build backlinks effectively and efficiently. I started testing out Fiverr.com for finding...
Blogs aren’t Books:  So Stop Writing Like They Are!

Blogs aren’t Books: So Stop Writing Like They Are!

So why do you keep writing massive walls of text?? Blogs have a whole lot more to offer than just walls of text, and quite frankly, it is hard to read!  Computers are a lot different than that old paperweight you call a book.  And, they read differently too.  The...
Why Invest on SEO Even Though It Isn’t Cheap?

Why Invest on SEO Even Though It Isn’t Cheap?

There are approximately 6.89 billion pages indexed on the World Wide Web as of July 10, 2012. Out of the 7 billion people that currently populate the Earth, about 2.26 billion are Internet users as of the end of 2011. When a start-up company thinks of creating a...
Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Writing a press release can sometimes be quite a tough task, particularly when you are not aware of the basics. Before we talk about how to put together a killer online press release to grab the most attention from readers, let us talk a bit about what it actually is....