Below is a compilation of 100 of the best blogs in search.  The blogs are organized by “theme” including internet marketing news, SEO, eCommerce, social media, blogging, and web design.

Feel free to leave me a comment with your own SEO blog and I will continue to add to the list.

Internet Marketing/Search News Blogs
  1. Marketing Pilgrim (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. Search Engine Journal (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. Search Engine Land (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. Search Engine Watch (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. Search Engine Roundtable (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  6. Search Engine World (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  7. Bruce Clay (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  8. Sphinn (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  9. ClickZ (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
Internet Mareting/SEO Blogs
  1. SEOmoz (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. 97th Floor (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. SEO Book (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. Dosh Dosh (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. DailySEOBlog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  6. Online Marketing Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  7. Outspoken Media (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  8. aimClear (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  9. Andy Beard (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  10. BlogStorm (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  11. Conversation Marketing (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  12. Google Blogoscoped (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  13. Google Tutor (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  14. SugarRae (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  15. HubSpot (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  16. Local SEO Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  17. Matt Cutts (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  18. Greywolf SEO Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  19. Natural Search Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  20. Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  21. Portent Interactive (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  22. SEO By The Sea (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  23. SEO Disco (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  24. ShoeMoney (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  25. Duct Tape Marketing (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  26. Utah’s SEO Pro (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  27. SEO Chat (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  28. Jim Boykin’s Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  29. SEO Pedia (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  30. Small Business Search Marketing (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  31. Digital Marketing Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  32. Fathom SEO (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  33. Fuel Interactive (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  34. RedFly Marketing (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  35. Hobo SEO Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  36. Post Click Marketing Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  37. (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  38. Screenwerk (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  39. Search Insider (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  40. Mihmorandum (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  41. Stuntdubl (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  42. SEOptimise (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  43. SEO 2.0 (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  44. Blue Hat SEO (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  45. Marketing Tech Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  46. ReelSEO (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  47. GrokDotCom (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  48. SEO Scoop (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  49. David Naylor (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  50. Link Building Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
E-Commerce Blogs
  1. GetElastic (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. Practical Ecommerce (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. Groove Commerce (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. Blue Acorn (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. Retail Ecommerce (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  6. John Chow Dot Com (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
Social Media Blogs
  1. 10e20 (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. Social Media Marketing Systems (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. Brent Csutoras (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. Chris Brogan (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. Ignite Social Media (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  6. Inside Facebook (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  7. Mashable (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  8. Social Media Today (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  9. StraightUpSearch (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  10. Dan Zarrella (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  11. RotoBlog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  12. Brian Solis – PR 2.0 (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  13. Seth Godin (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  14. TheNextWeb (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  15. Chris Pirillo (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  16. The Steve Rubel Lifestream (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  17. CenterNetworks (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  18. Winning The Web (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  19. ViralBlog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
Blogging Blogs
  1. Daily Blog Tips (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. CopyBlogger (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. ProBlogger (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. The Blog Herald (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. The Friday Traffic Report (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
Web Design Blogs
  1. Blog Perfume (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  2. Cre8pc (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  3. (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  4. Noupe (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  5. ProBlogDesign (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  6. Smashing Magazine (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  7. Vandelay Design Blog (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  8. Web Designer Depot (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  9. Yoast (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
  10. A List Apart (Blog, Subscribe to Feed)
Have Your Site Added To The List

Sorry for the people I forgot.  If you have a blog that fits into one of these categories, tell me about it and I will add it to the list.