Internal Company Reputation and ORM

Internal Company Reputation and ORM

Internal company reputation is important even without SEO and internet marketing. It’s a business basic every company needs to know. All companies need to gain internal respect through their rules, policies, and employee treatment before they can secure a good...
Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Press Release Writing: 10 Things to Keep Top-of-Mind

Writing a press release can sometimes be quite a tough task, particularly when you are not aware of the basics. Before we talk about how to put together a killer online press release to grab the most attention from readers, let us talk a bit about what it actually is....
SEO Link Building Tools I Can’t Live Without

SEO Link Building Tools I Can’t Live Without

It may be a sweeping statement but if certain tools disappeared it would be devastated – in fact I would probably cry…(a lot!). In this article I thought I might cover some of the tools that I use when working on a clients site. Some you will no doubt be...
30% Off: Download the Link Builders Toolkit

30% Off: Download the Link Builders Toolkit

Today is the official launch of the Link Builders Toolkit.  The Link Builders Toolkit is THE ultimate resource for finding quality websites to gain inbound links.  Over the years I have been collecting websites that I found to be of high value and worth investing time...
Creating Your SEO Strategy – Department Specific

Creating Your SEO Strategy – Department Specific

When formulating a SEO plan, it is important to understand all of the parties that will be involved in the process. It is important to communicate the overall strategy by outlining all objectives, tasks, and goals between all team members involved. This will help each...
What to Consider When Assessing SEO Expectations

What to Consider When Assessing SEO Expectations

Typically when assessing a new SEO client, I will look at a number of different factors that will help me to determine realistic exceptions.  Its funny to see companies give pricing to a potential client without even understanding the clients needs and their industry....
How is Google Ranking the Local 7-Pack Listings?

How is Google Ranking the Local 7-Pack Listings?

Now that Google has condensed its local business listing results in the SERPs from 10 to 7, it is important to improve your LBL rankings.  After reading many articles and blogs, including David Mihm’s Local Search Ranking Factors and through lots of experience...
Part I: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

Part I: The Ultimate Guide to Meta Description

You’ve just taken over a client from an unscrupulous agency; title tags are stuffed with keywords, there’s a dodgy backlink history and the meta keywords are used on every page. Worst of all, your just not getting the traffic you’re expecting from the rankings you’re...
10 Tips on Finding the Right SEO Firm

10 Tips on Finding the Right SEO Firm

Choosing the right SEO company to work with can be challenging. You want to find a company who is ethical, easy to work with, has open communication, and can show you results.  There also are going to be responsibilities between the agency and the client that should...
You Need to Know This About Website Graders

You Need to Know This About Website Graders

I’ve been watching with great fascination as flocks of webmasters and business owners race to the latest website grader. They wait with eager eyes for the newest software widget to tell them why they aren’t ranking well in the search engines. I can...
5 Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blogs SEO Friendly

5 Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blogs SEO Friendly

If you are blogging for personal reasons only, you don’t need to think much about search engine optimization and all. But what you will do if you are blogging with the intension to grow your business or making money from blogging. All of your hard work in writing good...

4 Tips for Agencies on Setting Client Expectations

Setting the proper client expectations on the front-end is the key to any successful internet marketing campaign. Here is a list of things you should accomplish with your client before you start to implement your strategy. 1. Learning Their Objectives/Goals Before you...
SEO and CRO are More Linked Than You Might Think…

SEO and CRO are More Linked Than You Might Think…

Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is a hot topic right now. Understandably so, given our current economic environment, it makes sense for businesses to be looking to squeeze more success out of the same marketing spend. (It makes sense regardless of the economic...
Client Feedback Exercise to Kick-Off a SEO Project

Client Feedback Exercise to Kick-Off a SEO Project

A few things I have learned from working with clients is that sometimes it can be extremely hard to get the necessary information you need to get a project started-off on the right track.  Sometimes it can be the agencies fault because they are not being clear as to...