Content marketing is growing by leaps and bounds. More and more reputed companies like Red Bull are using branded content to create more awareness about their products, without actually “selling” directly to their target audience.
However, creating the right mix of branded content is also important to ensure that the right message is delivered. In this article we will be discussing how you can create quality branded content that actually does its job.
#1: Consistently Find New Opportunities
Before you go out there and create top notch content for online branding, you need to first find the right opportunities to do so. In other words, you have to utilize any and every opportunity that will help you in building online buzz through branded content. Because that’s the only way you will be able to keep the momentum going.
For example, if you’re a software company that creates and sells tools for web designers, you will have to find opportunities to spread your branded content that discusses the ins and outs of web designing. Content then works to indirectly promote your tools.
#2: Focus on Being Engaging
If your content isn’t engaging enough, it will not get the needed attention. And if it doesn’t get the attention, it doesn’t spread. The idea behind creating branded content is to ensure that it spreads through word of mouth with social media being the medium.
Now, engaging content here doesn’t mean that you can create any form of content and expect it to get you target exposure. No, it means that you have to be strategically relevant in your approach so that your content impresses your target audience. Remember, the more relevant your content is, the easier it will be for you to make it engaging.
#3: Keep Things Mega Interesting
People easily get bored these days, regardless of the type of content they’re consuming. This is why it’s important that you keep it interesting by creating content in various forms. Focus on bringing in more variety and work your way up by utilizing your blog/social media profiles to spread more of interesting content than anything else.
Right from sharing intriguing messages to giving real-time updates, you can do many things to keep things interesting. When your branded content generates enough interest among your target audience, it has a higher chance of spreading.
#4: Build Your Audience
If your branded twitter account is simply a long list of tweeted articles you are not going to get the interaction you want. By simply spitting out links doesn’t mean people are going to automatically find you, follow you, and read your content. Not only should your content be engaging but your social media efforts should be active.
Interact with similar brands, ideas, and content. Sharing thoughts, opinions, and ideas along with your mega interesting content is the best way to get people to pay attention and actually consider you a valuable resource in your niche.
#5: Share The Wealth
You may have the best writing and content in your niche but if nobody sees it then what’s the point? Using your time and resources to share your content on other websites is a great way to take the initiative to interact. If you are an SEO agency then providing top notch websites with insightful guest posts will not only gain your credibility and author rank but it will also help you gain traffic from that site’s audience.
The goal is to create great content, but it doesn’t always have to be on your site, maybe the best post you will write the month should go on somebody else’s website because if you are giving away great content for free the site owners and readers will be more encouraged to share your own blog.
Regardless of what type of business you are in, as long as you’re able to focus your efforts on creating quality branded content, your content marketing will give you results, and you will reap its benefits for years to come.