How many followers do you have on twitter? Are they your targeted one? Twitter is a powerful platform to do micro blogging. It is the best place to share news, show your emotion, share thoughts and follow your favorite celebrity and to promote your business.  Your tweet (blog of 140 characters) is shown in time line of your followers. If that follower has genuine interest in your service, product or ideas then he/she at least re-tweet it to his/her followers or use your service and products. It is obvious that if you have more targeted followers then you have better opportunity to promote your business via twitter. The big question is what to do so that people starts following me? Here is the answer; I am providing 6 proven tips which will certainly gives you more targeted followers.

1- Customize twitter profile: The first thing you need to do is to customize your profile. Twitter gives you an egg shaped picture by default in beginning, replace it with your image, business logo, brand image. Make sure image can be easily recognized by people. Fill your bio with concise and accurate information. You should provide one link in link field. Don’t fill your bio with keywords and annoying links.

2- Social media linking: Once your profile on twitter is customized you need to promote it. Add your twitter public profile in Facebook, Google Plus, MySpace, Blogger, Digg and every social media websites where you have an option to add other networks. It serves two purposes first your social media profile becomes complete and your friends and followers will follow you on twitter. You can add your profile link to email signatures too. Guest blogging also help in getting targeted followers.

3-Tweet Strategy: Now it’s time to involve in tweeting but you have to make a strategy depends on your target audience.  Your tweet should be crisp, precise and informative. Don’t always pretends like you know everything, ask questions, tweet about a topic in some funny way. Tweet when your maximum audience present on twitter. According to some research 12-1 pm and 4-5 pm are the best time intervals to tweet.  There are more possibility people follow you when you tweet according to trend.  One thing I want to make sure that don’t tweet blindly on a trend. If you have something to say on that topic, make your sentence with care and tweet. Using #tags provide a way to show your tweet to non followers too. So don’t hesitate to use # when you make a tweet on a specific keyword. If you are lucky then it can be a trend at the end of the day.

4- Involve with twitter users: More you involve more followers you will get.  Search with a keyword of your choice, if you find some interesting tweet just re-tweet it to your followers. They will follow you in reply. Always make a good relation with fellow users by replying to direct tweets and messages. Set a automatic message for your followers which triggers and send a message of thanks to users who just followed you. Always use @ when replying someone, by this your tweets will show directly on his/her mention tab.

5- Add account to directories: There are a lot of twitter directories like Twellow and JustTweetIt which provides followers. Search these directories and add your account in relevant subdirectories. It will provide you with more targeted followers and you can select and follow some users there who seem relevant to you.

6- Don’t hesitate to follow: Following other users is the best way to get followers for you. Never hesitate to follow a user which seems to be beneficial for you and your business. There is a strong possibility he/she follow you back.  Before following you should check his/her profile and tweets, if you find it interesting then click the follow button. Never follow blindly. Always remember that quality is most important not quantity.

Apart from above ways there are some online tools which help you to get some followers. Some of them are free and some paid. But I am sure if you follow above six rules, you never need them.  So it’s time to apply these tricks to your twitter account and make some really good relationship with fellow twitter users.