If you are blogging for personal reasons only, you don’t need to think much about search engine optimization and all. But what you will do if you are blogging with the intension to grow your business or making money from blogging. All of your hard work in writing good quality content or developing a good product will be all waste if people are unable to find your blog on search engines for the targeted terms of your niche. You need to look at all possible ways to make your blogs SEO friendly. And since you are blogging with WordPress, lots of ready-made solutions are available in the form of plugins which will help you in making your WordPress blogs more search engine friendly.

To make your WordPress blogs more search engine friendly, you need to improve your blog speed along with the social media signals. So here is the list of 5 plugins which will not only make your WordPress blogs SEO friendly but will also help in improving its speed and social media signals.

SEO Smart Links Plugin

SEO Smart Links plugin will help in interlinking your blog posts, pages, categories and tag pages etc. in an optimized way. This SEO plugin can help in driving lots of targeted backlinks for your blog landing pages of your choice with their SEO optimized anchors on auto pilot. Thus plugin comes with lots of customization options like how many links this SEO plugin should convert on a page, can ignoret specific URL type where automatic interlinking should not be done, adding nofollow tag with external links etc. Click this link to download and to know more in detail about SEO Smart Links plugin features and the kind of customization you can expect from this premium SEO plugin while interlinking your blog contents.

Easy WP SEO Plugin

Easy WP SEO is the best premium WordPress plugin for doing onpage optimization activities for a blog. This plugin takes into consideration 23 Onpage SEO factors while calculating SEO Score for a page or post of your interest. This plugin will help you in optimizing a post or page for its targeted keywords. SEO score generated by this plugin varies from 0 to 100, where 0 is the lowest score and 100 being the maximum SEO score you can get. I have been using Easy WP SEO plugin on Bloggers Passion blog for six months now and I’m really happy for choosing this plugin. To download the latest version of Easy WP SEO plugin and to know in detail about my experience with Easy WP SEO plugin, use this link.

WP Super Cache Plugin

As the name indicates, WP Super Cache is a page caching plugin for WordPress blogs. This plugin will concert dynamic WordPress blogs into Static HTML pages. Once these HTML files are created, your web server will start serving these files to your blog readers for their requests. Since your server is processing static HTML files which don’t take much time in processing, your blog readers will experience a faster loading WordPress blogs. Google used to make 30-40 algorithmic changes related to its search engine every month with the intension to serve better results to its users. And website speed was one of rankings factor Google included in its algorithm recently. So if you have a faster loading WordPress blog, then you will have an edge over your competitors on the basis of page speed ranking factor at least. So you should use a WP Super Cache or any other similar plugin into your WordPress blog for page caching. Click this link to get in more detail about WP Super Cache plugin download and installation instructions.

WP Smush.it Plugin
WP Smush.it is another plugin you can use to improve the speed of your blogs and as a result will help in making your WordPress blog more SEO friendly. This plugin will decrease the size of images that you are uploading on your blog. Once you are finished with this image reduction plugin installation, you don’t need to do anything as this plugin used to lower down the size of images available in content folder in the background while you can focus on other important tasks in hand or can just relax. Click this link to download WP Smush.it plugin for optimizing images sizes in your blog.

SexyBookmarks Plugin

Since these days social media signals are playing a big role in your website rankings on Google search. So you need to find some way to improve social media shares for your blog. SexyBookmarks plugin will help in showing icons for all popular social media websites in your blog posts and pages. Availability of Social Media icons on your blog will inspire your blog readers to share stories of their choice on Facebook, Google Plug and Twitter type of popular Social media networks. Click this link to download SexyBookmarks plugin latest version into your WordPress plugins directory.

There are some more SEO plugins you can try for making your WordPress blogs more search engine friendly including Google XML Sitemaps Generator, Broken Link Checker Plugin, All in One SEO Pack and Plugin Performance Profiler etc. It would be interesting to know which plugins you are using to make your blogs SEO friendly, please share your views and concerns in the comments section.