A great deal of small business owners has created a website just because others have recommended it. They do not even promote it thinking that customers will find them amidst the millions of others out there.  This can be due to the fact that many small business owners like the necessary knowledge when it comes to internet marketing. In this article I will be providing 5 interesting fix that most small business should make to their website in order to improve their traffic.


It is important that small business owners work on the SEO aspect of their website if they want to be successful. For instance they might want to ensure that their pages are optimized for their keywords and that they carry out some constant link building campaign. This will ensure that your site climb us the search engine ranking page and as such drive traffic to your site.


Many small businesses make the mistake of just putting a website online and then forget about it. This is a big mistake and completely unproductive. You should make sure that your site is updated regularly with fresh content about your products and services to keep your customers informed. Additionally this should improve your site ranking as search engines bots crave for new content.


The navigation aspect of your blog should also be clear and user-friendly. People hate to hunt for information on a site and will be tempted to leave in case they do not find what they are looking for easily. Make sure that the most popular pages on your site are easily accessible from your secondary navigation.

Site Speed

This is an aspect of websites that have become important following the Google Panda update. Indeed this is a factor that big G now uses in order to rank websites. At the same time this can also improve user experience on your site. A lot of people will just click the back button on their browser instead of waiting for the site to load completely.

Contact details

Do not forget to list your contact details on your blog. Indeed the purpose of a website is to inform your customers about the existence of your company and it will be stupid to miss this information. To make things easier for your visitors you might want to add a contact form where they will be able to contact you from your website rather than opening their email client.

By making these small changes to your website you should be able to improve the overall user experience and thus help make your website more helpful for your visitors.