Search engines such as Google are smart. They appreciate websites with creative and original content, and reward them with high page rankings. SEO (search engine optimization) is followed by some quality websites to get rightfully noticed by search engines, while most websites use it as black art to try and trick search engines. You would come across people offering SEO services for your website promising first page ranking on Google; be advised it might get your website banned in some time.
If you carefully follow the parameters set by search engines, it’s not that difficult to derive exposure and recognition without dubious techniques. The aim of SEO is to help create quality content, and structure it in a noticeable manner. Given below are the best SEO tips to fetch recognition that your website deserves.
Give a relevant title to your story
A title tag is the first thing search engines notice to determine what a page is all about. A powerful title can considerably help in indexing your website appropriately. Also, it’s the first thing your visitors would read, so it has to be catchy. Include keyword(s) in your title to get it noticed by search engines–just don’t stuff it with them, it makes your website look like a spam. Remember, out of everything, your page title is the most important.
Use Meta tags
There are two most important Meta tags in terms of SEO–description tag, and keyword tag. Include a few keywords in the description tag, and make sure it reads like a sentence. While making a keyword tag list, compile the most searched keywords which are also completely relevant to your story. Avoid duplicating keyword by using plurals for singulars and vice verse and use independent keywords with a good variation.
Create original and optimized content
Both search engines algorithms and readers appreciate fresh, steamy content. SEO content writing is healthy if not overdone with keywords. Individual page content should be relevant to the overall subject of your website. Write original content and optimize it using powerful keywords in an appropriate density. “Keyword stuffing” does harm more than good to your website. Start your page with a strong keyword and try and end your story with the same. The most relevant content should limit to a keyword density of 2%-5%. Pay more attention in creating catchy content for your readers than optimizing it for search engines.
Build links to your website
Link building is among the most important elements of effective SEO. The most genuine way of getting links back to your website is by creating good content, and giving links to the other websites. Keep away of link farms and other dubious methods to increase the number of links, search engine algorithms are way smarter than that. Submitting your website name and articles to certain reputable directories will also get you the required exposure.
Always keep updating fresh content; the one thing that all search engines like is a lot of content. Use keywords in headers, Meta tags, and URL’s but in appropriate density. Remember, a well-structured website is always favored by search engines.