Of course, email marketing happens to be one of the most cost-effective means of advertising online. But email marketing can be effective only when you have built up a long list of responsive email subscribers. If you want to make money online quickly, you’ll need to capture more leads. It is only when you have a strong list of subscribers that you can make the most of your email marketing efforts. In order to build a list of email subscribers that will be ready to take action or buy your products, you should adopt some key strategies and tips.

Below, we’ll discuss about some of the most useful tips to capture a large number of leads online and grow your email list quickly.

#1. Place the Sign up Form on Every Page

In order to capture a large number of leads, the first step is to get your email list signup on every webpage of your blog or website. You never know which pages of your site people will be visiting. Therefore, you can have that signup form placed in the sidebar on every page of your website.

#2. Give Away a Free eBook in Return for Signup

People will be willing to fill out that signup form only when they get a valuable free ebook in return. If you want to capture more leads and keep the number of subscribers growing, you should create an e-book that establishes your expertise and solves the problems that your target audience might be facing. Offering free ebooks to people in a downloadable format is an excellent idea to build a list of ‘responsive’ email subscribers.

#3. Capture Emails through PPC Landing Pages

One of the most useful tips to capture a large number of leads quickly is to create PPC landing pages. While designing these landing pages, you can place a short capture form to collect the email address of those interested. If your PPC landing page has an engaging design and call-to-action content, you can instantly grow the number of your email subscribers by capturing more leads online.

#4. Use a List Building Software

If you want to grow your subscribers’ list quickly, you can also decide to choose one of the many email list building programs. However, you should always choose a program which is reputable and is recommended by some of the leading industry professionals. Going through the user feedback can really help you choose the best email list building software or plugin.