If you work in an online industry, whether you’re in the brand management business or you help clients with online conversion, there are certain Internet tools that can make your job easier. Not only will these web development tools significantly enhance your ability to make meaningful advances in your field, many of them are vital for any young tech or web professional looking for job security and upward mobility. The following five tools will assist in your online career search and/or the development of your small business:

Firebug—Use this extension to integrate with your Firefox browser and/or Omniture service and effectively have the ability to edit CSS, HTML, and Javascript in real time from any web page. A dream come true for any web developer who, for whatever reason, eschews Google Chrome, this tool is an essential way to debug sites that use multiple coding languages. The reason it’s so useful is that you can bring up CSS, HTML and Javascript files side by side in the same window and compare the codes within, making debugging a less ardous task.

Dropbox—This data backup and synchronization tool has become a poster child of cloud computing services with its 2 GB of free storage and the ability to procure up to 100 GB. Additionally, Dropbox works offline, doesn’t dominate your connection when you are online, and integrates with Window, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry. Knowing how to use Dropbox, or some of form of cloud service, is vital for any tech professional in today’s world.

WAMP—The Windows web development platform that supports application creations using Apache2, PHP, and MySQL. An incredible home tool for testing applications without an Internet connection, knowledge of WAMP looks incredible on a resume and is vital for any freelance web developer.

Joomla—An award winning open source content management system that has allowed everything from social networking sites to blogging platforms become powerful Internet applications. Joomla is the premiere way to organize, control and embed a wide variety text and media simply and effectively. A working knowledge of Joomla is crucial for any aspiring Internet administrator.

Drupal—Another open source content management system (CMS), Drupal is Joomla’s biggest rival and offers essentially the same type of service with more emphasis on larger sites and module development. Whether you’re running a small blog, a social media enterprise, or are hosting real-time podcasts with chatrooms, CMS systems like Joomla and Drupal are excellent foundational tools for any web professional.

These five tools will help you with web development, data storage, file synchronization, application creation, and content management. You’re a young entrepreneur, web developer, aspiring tech professional, or online small business owner they are vital to your growth.