If you are an Internet Marketer, you have undoubtedly heard of SEMrush. SEMrush has probably the most comprehensive data set on the web, when it comes to keyword research and competitive intelligence. Yes, there are plenty of free SEO tools available (including SEMrush), however nothing can match the comprehensive data that SEMrush Pro provides.
1. Organic Keywords for Given Domain
Have you ever wanted to be able to take a sneak peak at another competitors analytics? Well the next closest thing to that would be running a search on a competitors domain and view the organic keyword results SEMrush provides. Go ahead and try it for your site…pretty accurate?
By having access to this data, you can focus on keywords that you know are already driving lots of search volume. With that being said, if you can rank above your competitors for these keywords, you can bank on some nice traffic to your site.
2. PPC Keywords Your Competition Uses
Want to see what PPC keywords your competitors are bidding on? Well you can easily do that by manually entering in keywords and see if their ad shows up or not…but that could take forever. Same yourself time and the headache and simply look at the PPC keyword results that SEMrush provides you. This means you can sneak in on your competitors and gather PPC intelligence that you can use for your own campaigns. Try to find some opportunities for keywords with high search volume and low cost per click.
3. List of Google Content Network Opportunities
This is a nice feature that SEMrush has, where they place a “Adsense” note next to each of the different domains for a particular keyword. What this means is that any domain with “Adsense” next to their domain, allows you to place a Google Content Network ad on their site.
4. Gain PPC Ad Insights
Probably my favorite feature of the SEMrush toolset, is the PPC ads for a given domain. This tool takes all of the PPC ads that are running for a given domain and groups them together…making it easy to see what ad copy and offers they are running at any time. A fantastic way to steal high converting ad copy!
5. Find Potential Advertisers
Are you a blogger in search of advertisers for your blog? Use the potential advertiser feature, which will show you potential advertiser who are targeted to your particular niche or topic. I found this feature particularly helpful when I first started off and had to personally reach out to get paid advertisements.
6. Side-By-Side Comparisons
The side-by-side comparison report will show you which domains are trending up or down. This can be a great tool for trying to figure out which websites get massive amounts of traffic – for advertising or guest blogging opportunities. If you see a blog who’s traffic is spiking quickly, you may be able to get a great deal on advertising space, before everyone else. If traffic is increasing fast, it may be worth it to analyze their on-page SEO to see what it is they are doing.
7. Uncover New Keywords
Probably their most important feature is their keyword research tool. This tool can be a great compliment to the Google Keyword Tool. Personally I like using more than one keyword tool, because one tool is not going to find ALL of the keywords you may want to target. Similar to the Google Adwords tool, SEMrush provides keyword suggestions, search volume, cost per click, competition and the number of site results.
Free SEMrush Pro Account for 2 Weeks
I was able to work out a deal with the guys at SEMrush, to give all of my readers a special trial of the Pro version for 2 full weeks. All you need to do is sign-up for a free account, then use the promo code below to activate your Pro account for 2 weeks!
Promo Code: 9P15-Z5XB-J37Y-92WV
So try it out and you will see why SEMrush is a MUST have tool!