Over the past 6 months, Tim Atkinson and I have been working hard at developing a brand new list building WordPress plugin, that we are really exciting to tell you guys about.  List Eruption is a list building plugin that has proven to help rapidly grow your email marketing list.  If you are an Internet Marketer, Affiliate Marketer, Email Marketer or anyone who is trying to build a list, this is going to be a MUST HAVE.

This is the first announcement about the new plugin, so we thought we would introduce how List Eruption was created and give you guys a sneak peak into its power!

How List Eruption Came To Be

If you follow StayOnSearch, you have probably seen the 10 week IM course that I offer for free.  Since the launch of this free course, I have gotten LOTS of positive feedback from you guys on how much you loved the course and how it has helped you with your internet marketing efforts.

Part of the main goal behind the course besides providing quality information for free, was to build up my email marketing list.  If you signed up for the course you probably noticed that it takes you to a thank you page with a unique referral URL, where if you refer 5 people to sign up for the course, you get 2 bonus PDFs.

This referral strategy was extremely effective and noticed that many of the people who signed up, were sharing the course with their friends.  I was rapidly growing my email list, faster than I ever expected…thanks to that referral functionality that I added when people sign up.  I also was getting a lot of emails from people asking me how I was able to add that type of sharing feature to my site.  After about a month and a few thousand subscribers later, I knew I was on to something.

A Problem, Solved

So part of the problem I had was that it was a pain in the butt (to put it nicely) to implement this functionality.  It took countless hours of implementation and designing to get everything working correctly.  So I thought…there has to be an easier way that I can share this effective list building strategy to the masses, without everyone having to go through the pain and suffering that I went through to get this working properly.

List Eruption Was Created!

First Look

Basically what I did was created a product that took the concept that helped me rapidly grow my list, and turned it into a WordPress plugin.  However I will say that we added a number of cool features and functionality that will help grow your list even faster!

So the basic concept is the blog owner provides something of VALUE to their reader, that they have to Opt-In to.  Once they opt-in they are taken to a thank you page that incentivizes the subscriber to WANT to share and promote your content for you.  This can be done in a number of ways.  Giving away more free content, a discount on your product/service, free trial of your software, etc….  With the proper incentive, each subscriber is given a unique referral URL and how many referrals they need to reach their bonus.

So essentially every subscriber is helping you to grow your email list.  So 1 subscriber can quickly turn into 5, 10, 25, 50!  Combining List Eruption and valuable content, you can leverage every subscriber to the fullest extent.  Check out what else List Eruption can do.

Feature List

  • E-mail Providers: List Eruption integrates with all of the major email marketing systems including Aweber, MailChimp, GetResponse, iContact and Constant Contact.
  • WordPress Integration: For any website or blog that is powered with WordPress, all you have to do is install the plugin, and you are ready to go.
  • Unique Referral URL:  Each subscriber receives their own unique referral URL to track their referrals.
  • Professional Designed Landing Pages: Customize your pre-designed landing page that has proven to convert.
  • Sidebar: Easily add an opt-in widget to your sidebar to maximize conversions.
  • Social Integration:  Integrates with Twitter and Facebook so subscribers can easily update their network about what they signed up for.
  • Set Multiple Bonus Reward Levels:  Have the ability to create as many referral levels as you would like.  Give bigger bonuses and incentives for subscribers who refer more people!
  • Email Reminders: List Eruption integrates with PostMark for secure and reliable email deliverability.  This feature allows you to automatically send email reminders to your subscribers to encourage them to reach the reward levels you chose. You also get all of the advanced analytics and reporting that PostMark provides to help improve email conversions.

This is just a sneak peak into what List Eruption can do.  There will be more details about each of the features once we get closer to our launch.

Launch Date

Currently we do not have an exact launch date, but we are planning on releasing the plugin to everyone sometime in March.  If you sign-up for notifications you will be kept up on any updates for List Eruption.

Sign-Up for VIP Invite & Free Report!

Be notified and receive a VIP invitation to the List Eruption product launch.  There will be a special discounted price for VIP members, so make sure you Sign-Up!

Also once you sign-up, you will receive a free report that tells you in greater detail, exactly how I was able to increase my subscribers by 257%.  This report will show you the power of having an email list and why you need to start building your list TODAY.

==>  Sign-Up for List Eruption Updates

Become an Affiliate

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate for List Eruption, you can sign-up for the affiliate program.  You will earn 50% from every sale!

After you sign-up you will have promotional banners, email swipe copy, and social updates for easy money.

==> Become an Affiliate