5 Ways to Improve Your Guest Blogging Strategy

5 Ways to Improve Your Guest Blogging Strategy

As mentioned several times before on this site and others, guest posting is a wonderful way to engage in a genuine and effective link-building strategy. Still, not many who first embark on the guest blogging process completely understand how it works. Here are a few...
Must Have Firefox Plugin for Blog Commenting

Must Have Firefox Plugin for Blog Commenting

If you are like me, you have multiple identities when it comes to blog commenting. I comment with several identities for my own blog, my work, blogs I guest post on, and also my article marketing profiles. As you can imagine, this gets somewhat confusing and...
Huge List of 150 Compelling Headlines for Your Blog

Huge List of 150 Compelling Headlines for Your Blog

Over the years I have been compiling a list of headlines that I found compelling.  I thought I would share them with you so you can keep this list close by when you are coming up with headlines for your blog posts. # Tips To Simplify ______________ Greatest _________...
The Fringe Benefits of Blogging

The Fringe Benefits of Blogging

Throughout the 3 years that StayOnSearch has been around, I didn’t truly see the full value of the fringe benefits that you gain from blogging until recently.  Now that the blog is receiving a respectable amount of traffic and has built a loyal readership, there...
10 Characteristics of a Great Blogger

10 Characteristics of a Great Blogger

There is a huge difference between a good blogger and a great blogger.  A great blogger contains certain characteristics and traits that sets them apart from the rest.  Having these ten qualities gives a blogger the power to understand what users what, how to create...
Successful Ways to Boost-up your Blog

Successful Ways to Boost-up your Blog

Quality content and intelligent marketing can do wonders to your blog. For a start-up blog, you have to take care of the following things: A good blog software will ensure a good platform: You can choose to host your blog in a blogging website or you can choose to...
Measuring Online Marketing Metrics

Measuring Online Marketing Metrics

While traditional marketing (on TV, radio and print) is still prevalent as ever, online marketing is slowly but steadily growing to become a strong marketing weapon. For one, online marketing – which includes video ads, expandable banners, floating ads, takeovers and...
How to Make Your Blog Immensely Popular

How to Make Your Blog Immensely Popular

Changes are taking place in the blogosphere constantly. Bloggers are becoming more active than ever. They are posting more often. That clearly indicates that competition is getting tougher as well. Whether you are a corporate blogger, an entrepreneur blogger or a...
10 Affordable Search Engine Optimization Tips

10 Affordable Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be costly, you just need to know some SEO Basics.  Search engine optimization is the science and art of marketing and publishing information that ranks high for chosen keywords in the search engines. Most search engines show...
Making the Most Out of Guest Blogging

Making the Most Out of Guest Blogging

There have been a lot of great posts that talk about guest blogging and show you the value of reaching out to other authoritative blogs in your industry.  However I thought I would take a different angle on this post and talk about what makes your guest post stand out...
Let the Power of Blogging Work for Your Business

Let the Power of Blogging Work for Your Business

You hear all the time why blogging is great for business.  Well, practically speaking it is.  Companies more than likely shy away from it because of the time it requires to formulate a well-meaning blog. Blogging has just about as much power than social media does to...
The Future of Video Blogging

The Future of Video Blogging

Video blogging or “vlogging” is becoming a very popular online trend and most internet users will agree that video blogs are popping up in every niche and industry. According to recent statistics from internet giant YouTube, more than 65% of U.S. based internet users...
How to Write About Anything

How to Write About Anything

There are some internet marketers out there who work exclusively on campaigns they feel passionately about. Those lucky few generally have no lack of ideas and no problem churning out oodles of quality content on command. Unfortunately for the rest of us, we...
The Differences Between Offline and Online PR

The Differences Between Offline and Online PR

Public Relations is all about creating buzz and/or exposure around a brand or company to a target audience, through various offline and online engagements.  However an offline and online PR marketing campaign have many differences that are important to understand....
Download Now: 6 Free eBooks to Make Money Online

Download Now: 6 Free eBooks to Make Money Online

Over the past 6 months I have been interested in learning more about affiliate marketing and making money online.  So I started reading a number of awesome blogs that are dedicated to exact that.  I am paid for a number of eBooks, some good, some bad…but I have...
4 Reasons to Provide Video Transcripts

4 Reasons to Provide Video Transcripts

More and more often, I am finding blog posts that are nothing more than a video with little to no text details. As video blogging becomes more and more prevalent, I think it is a great time to look at four reasons why video transcripts should be included in the blog...
Every Comment Matters

Every Comment Matters

I’ve been following quite a number of blogs for several years now, some more popular than others. They all vary in nature, as do the bloggers behind them – some are personal while others are formal and professional much like the SEM Blog I’ve been managing...
The Keys to Rapid Blog Content Creation

The Keys to Rapid Blog Content Creation

I have been blogging for about 3 years now, so I like to think that I am getting pretty good at creating fast blog content, while still maintaining the quality.   I can remember when I first started out, it would take me hours just to try and force out a 300 word blog...
5 Mistakes That Will Crush Your Blog’s Growth

5 Mistakes That Will Crush Your Blog’s Growth

A blog’s growth depends on how well you rope in new visitors while keeping the existing readers satisfied. If you take blogging simply as a hobby, you may not be really worried about whether its popularity grows or not. But if you are planning to turn your blog into a...
A Look at the New FeedBurner Beta

A Look at the New FeedBurner Beta

Ok, I know, I know. Tons of people are not fans of FeedBurner due to their inconsistent RSS subscriber count. But let’s get past that and look at the other things you can learn about your RSS subscribers through FeedBurner in their new beta version. How to Get...