Quality content and intelligent marketing can do wonders to your blog. For a start-up blog, you have to take care of the following things:
A good blog software will ensure a good platform: You can choose to host your blog in a blogging website or you can choose to create a domain of your choice. Either way, enlist your priorities and the way you want your blog to look like, and act. OpenSourceCMS is a good software that you can make use of when you want to create your own customized blog.
Writing in your blog: Make sure to cover topics that need are most searched for. You have to ensure you have the content that the visitors would love to read. You can use the Google Ad-words to research on the topic and the tags for your blog.
Write in a first person narrative tone: That is, write like you are directly telling the person. The blog sphere likes humane voice and a more connected, honest and truthful blog has a very good chance.
Write in a way that the reader feels you have revealed all that you know and feel. This is an open source world and you have to make sure that you keep the reader in a close proximity. Connect with them and be a virtual friend.
Guest bloggers: Guest bloggers can be experts from your field or other experienced writers. You can bring in popular celebrities or a very well versed person. Just make sure that their post will increase visitors to your site. If you are popular, then you can invite guest bloggers to post an article in your site. Make sure that any content that they want to post in your website should be edited by you.
A good URL
A good URL should be short and contain enough information so that the educated people can find out what your blog holds by just reading it. A big URL is usually a byproduct of many CMS plug-ins.
Book marking your page: You can book mark your page in a lot of good bookmark websites such as delicious.com. This will help you lure traffic
Use high traffic period: When you have a linkbait in Digg, Reddit, etc. make use of that to drop 2 article of yours that show off all your writing skills on that time. This will enable the visitors to look into the blog. This will also ensure that the visitors stick around to get more from your blog.
Always go back and answer to comments within 48 hours. Nothing kills the linkbait like ignorance for a long duration.
Google analytics: Google analytics is a free software that allows the viewer to look on various facts about your site. Getting the Google webmaster tool that will also help you to analyze and work on your site.
Content cramming: Google crawlers crawl to find HTML code. Therefore too much JAVA and CSS inside the html code deteriorates the crawl rate. Any java or CSS code should be written as an external file. More the merrier does not apply to this and too much code just increase those silly coding errors that although does not affect SEO, surely affects the Google crawlers.
Unique unplagiarized content: Plagiarism is a suable issue, and make sure that your content in original. There are many credible plagiarism checkers online that help you with this problem.
Avoid self plagiarism.
Separate pages for every keyword: When you want to rank the KW, we create a separate webpage for each KW and include that KW in the title tag. This will enable the crawlers to indentify thetag and rank the KW accordingly.
Use title tag intelligently: Title tag must be used to help the crawlers. Include your primary KW in the title tag and nothing else. A title tag should be able to help the crawler understand what the page is about.