A Twitter Exercise to Get More Followers

A Twitter Exercise to Get More Followers

I’ll be the first too admit it, I started using Twitter as a one-way communication tool, so that I could help promote my content.  However I quickly learned that by doing that, I would not be able to build the following and relationships that I wanted on...
Moderating What Gets Hot on Social Networks

Moderating What Gets Hot on Social Networks

In light of the recent blog post on voting patterns and unexceptional content over at Sphinn which has drawn several desphinns and some heated debate in the story’s Sphinn page comments, I thought it would be a good time to touch on some issues when it comes to...
Filter Your Following with Forumlists

Filter Your Following with Forumlists

While perusing the recent Twitter lists that I have been added to, I spotted several that were generated by @formulists. Intrigued, I Googled it and was led to an interesting service that automatically creates Twitter lists based on particular specifications. Basic...
Is Social Media Over-Saturated?

Is Social Media Over-Saturated?

Social media is an important part of our lives. Most of us rely on it to receive and relay all sorts of information. But lately it feels like there’s a bit of a social media bubble. Social Media: Tactic Not Strategy Social media is rapidly starting to reach...
Ways to Use Facebook Video Chat

Ways to Use Facebook Video Chat

When somebody else decides to start something revolutionary, or at least nifty (let’s use this word) most people either don’t hear about it or it can’t be used properly due to small circle of people using the service. On the other hand, when Facebook releases...
Mobile Social Media: Opening Up a New Horizon

Mobile Social Media: Opening Up a New Horizon

At present, it is the era of social media. Social media is now being used to promote businesses and raise awareness about various matters which are in public interest.  Social media marketing is a new and path breaking effort in the field of marketing that is being...
Beyond Facebook: Diversifying Social Media

Beyond Facebook: Diversifying Social Media

Internet marketing is rapidly becoming the most powerful tool utilized by companies and individuals to bring attention to themselves and generate an income online. A wide variety of websites have come and gone in the past, due to public interest waning and the overuse...
How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

How SEO and Social Media Are Joining Forces

I have discussed with a number of people recently the debate about what is considered Search Engine Optimization and what is considered Social Media.  To tell you the truth, I feel like they are starting to blend together to become the ultimate marketing machine on...
YouTube Introduces Video Edits

YouTube Introduces Video Edits

YouTube has introduced a new editing feature on Wednesday.  This allows users to edit their videos on the website. The user can edit the already uploaded videos and the videos will retain the same video IDs so that the counts and comments are not lost. All the links...
Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using the Google Keyword Tool

Using Google Keyword Tool Among other functions, the Google Adwords keyword tool plays a vital role in effective SEO. All know the role of SEO on internet and the benefits it brings. If you ever plan to optimize your web content, you will definitely come across this...
OneUpWeb: A Kick Ass Facebook Fan Page

OneUpWeb: A Kick Ass Facebook Fan Page

A Facebook Fan Page is more than just a way for fans of your business to keep up with your status updates.  It has turned into your company’s secondary website that can be used as a traffic and lead generating machine.  Recently I came across the OneUpWeb...
Google+ Working for Your Business

Google+ Working for Your Business

As anyone can tell from Google’s stock on the trade market, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Google+ is a testament to the new technology in search engine features, which Google continues to improve upon. This awesome Google software enables social...
3 Ways A Small Business Can Dominate Facebook

3 Ways A Small Business Can Dominate Facebook

Many small business owners have come to appreciate the benefits of Facebook for professional purposes in the last several years. But, for those who are just starting out, it can be frustrating trying to compete with some of the more established businesses. It’s a...
Understanding Social Networking Demographics

Understanding Social Networking Demographics

Each Social media website develops its own community and its own demographic profile. With the ever changing world of social media, it can be hard to determine which social media community would be the most effective place to market your company. With one in four...
8 Blogs SEOs Must Check Daily

8 Blogs SEOs Must Check Daily

“SEO is not dead, but it’s changing.” These are words extracted from the interview of Lisa Barone of Outspoken Media. SEO, like the rest of the world, is now in 2011 – another year of progress, struggle and learning for me and for everyone in the...
Is Twitter a Stethoscope or Megaphone??

Is Twitter a Stethoscope or Megaphone??

I just don’t get Twitter!!! This is the catch cry I constantly hear from business owners almost every time I speak to them about social media interaction and marketing. And you know what?? This lack of understanding of how to use Twitter effectively doesn’t...
Essential Twitter Searches for Your Business

Essential Twitter Searches for Your Business

When it comes to Twitter, there is a wealth of information that is at your fingertips, as most everything on Twitter is public record. For businesses, this can mean a wealth of market research, lead generation, and reputation monitoring can be done with the use of...
4 Ways to Get Noticed by an Industry Leader

4 Ways to Get Noticed by an Industry Leader

Whether or not you want to admit it, there has probably been some point in your life where you wanted to be noticed by someone who is top dog in a particular niche or industry like digital marketing. This could be for the development of your career, your blog, or even...
Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Is SEO Dead or Alive?

Evolution of Search Engine Optimization Death to the Old SEO Methods There is a prevailing theme often heard in Internet Marketing that Search Engine Optimization, better known as SEO, is DEAD.  Any number of reasons can be attributed to this idea, and there are many...