I am friends with almost 2,500 people on Facebook, and my Facebook page has around 340 fans. Yet today, I gave a guest post of mine exposure to an additional 90,000+ people by doing three simple things.

1. Look for brands mentioned in post on Facebook.

If you happen to mention any brands, websites, people, blogs, companies, etc. in your blog post, search for them on Facebook. It is highly likely that they have a fan page. Also, if you are writing a guest post, look for the blog you are writing it for on Facebook as well.

2. Like the brand’s Facebook page.

This is simple enough. If you happen to have mentioned a lot of brands in your post (ie. a list of top 100 sites), and you don’t want to like them all, look at the ones that have the most influence, specifically:

  • Pages with the most amount of fans.
  • Pages whose fans would like you and your blog.
  • Pages that have a default view of their own and other’s posts on their wall.

3. Start tagging!

When you post the link to your wall as a status update, simply include @thebrands mentioned in the post and select them in the dropdown.

Facebook Update Tagging

The Benefits

There are two key benefits to tagging blog post links that you add to your Facebook profile or page with other brand’s Facebook pages.

1. They will know you’re writing about them.

If the brand is monitoring their Facebook wall, they will see that you have written a post about them. Although these were not because of a Facebook tag (that I know of), getting noticed by a brand has resulted in:

2. Their fans will see your blog post on their favorite brand’s wall.

If the brand has a huge fan base, and their default wall view shows everyone’s posts, then your post will get some great exposure.

Facebook HootSuite Wall Post Tag

By tagging 7 Ways to Use Twitter to Spy on Competition, it was also added to the walls of KISSmetrics and HootSuite for exposure to an additional 90,000+ fans.

Facebook Yelp Wall Post Tag

By tagging A Phone Book Delivery Inspired Post, it was also added to the wall of Yelp for exposure to an additional 21,000+ fans.

Facebook Yelp Wall Post Tag

By tagging Alternative Search Engines, it was also added to the wall of Wolphram Alpha for exposure to an additional 16,000+ fans.

And just because the wall doesn’t show other people’s post doesn’t mean you won’t necessarily get on their. Now Relevant noticed the tag on the above post and added this to their wall for their fans.

Facebook NowRelevant Wall Post Tag

So needless to say, you never know when you might get featured because of a Facebook tag!

Your Facebook Tagging Successes

Have you seen some good results and responses based on tagging your blog posts with a particular blog, brand, or company’s Facebook page in your status update?