There will be a heavy amount of tweeting going on during this week’s Blog World Expo. Here are some ideas on ways you can use Twitter during this or any event, conference, or seminar.

1. The Event #Hashtag

The most important thing to keep an eye on as well as participate in during an event is the official hashtag. Blog World Expo is going to be using #bwe10, and it will be the one to watch to see who is there, what sessions are hot, and so forth. Be sure to add your commentary if you are there for extra exposure to other event attendees and those who aren’t there but tracking the latest updates.

2. Planning Meetups

While keeping an eye on the event hashtag, chances are you will see some people that you want to meet with. Give them a shoutout on Twitter – if they are tweeting, they are likely going to be more on top of their tweet mentions at any given moment than email or other lines of communication. Also, look for announcements of official and unofficial tweetups, group gatherings, and parties surrounding the event.

3. Connecting with Speakers and Panel Members

Do you like the session you’re in? Be sure to show the session’s speaker appreciation by including their Twitter handle in any comments or quotes you send about the session. If they are someone you have been looking to connect because they are an expert in your niche, your tweet might be a great icebreaker. Be sure to get the speaker’s Twitter names ahead of time while prepping for Blog World or other events.

4. Follow the Attendees List

Many people will compile lists of people they want to meet at an event, and it’s a great idea to follow those people ahead of time and during the event, that way if you do meet them you will know a bit more about them, giving you something to talk about.

Two of the best lists I’ve found so far include Ryon Harm‘s Blog World Expo 2010 (more details) and Jason‘s BWE10_Attendees (don’t miss his location based list of BWE attendees).

5. Keep Up with the Latest News

Finally, if you don’t want to miss out on what is going on outside of your event, be sure to have a Twitter list filled with the top news sources in your niche. That way you’ll have other stuff to tweet about besides just the event for your followers who may not be interested.

How to Keep Up With it All

I’m personally going to be on HootSuite for Android, as it gives me the option to have multiple accounts with various streams. I would suggest that you get your iPhone, Droid, iPad, etc. equipped with a great Twitter app that allows you to manage your account as well as multiple Twitter lists, that way you can keep on top of everything on the go.

Your Twitter Strategy for Events

How do you use Twitter when you are at a conference, seminar, or other live event? Please share your tips and favorite apps in the comments, and stay tuned starting tomorrow for live blogging from Blog World Expo 2010!