twitter-followingIndividuals and businesses around the world are unleashing the power of social media as you read this.  While almost every social network adds value to the world in some way, some enjoy more exposure and popularity than others do.

As we stand today, Twitter is arguably the one that is harnessed the most frequently. Don’t believe us? Go watch a news report and notice how the reporters’ @Name features alongside their name and position. Television shows and adverts cannot wait to tell us what their official hashtag is, either.

Yeah, Twitter has pretty much taken over the world. Whether you are a fan or not, the fact is if you aren’t a part of the conversation, you won’t achieve much in business.

Before you can shout your success from the rooftops, however, you need some followers. We looked at the top 10 ways to grow your Twitter following.

1. Make a Fuss of Twitter

Is your @Name on your email signature, featured prominently on your website, and on every piece of content that you create? If it isn’t, then it should be.

2. Don’t Be An Egg

The snappier your profile, the more chance you have of people following you. Either of a picture of yourself or your business’ logo will work well. Fill in the bio, too.

3. Use Hashtags

This is what ‘joining the conversation’ is about. Hashtags are your Twitter keywords. Research the hashtags most used in your industry, and which other relevant ones will give you exposure.

4. When to Tweet

Do you tweet at a quieter period when you are more likely to be noticed, or when it’s busy due to high traffic? Ideally the latter, but mixing it up works, too. Many online tools can tell you when Twitter is busy, when people are more likely to retweet you, and at what times people are most likely to follow, and many more.

5. Find the Influencers

Find the most influential people or companies in your industry, follow, and interact with them. Not only is there the chance they follow back, you will also begin appearing in ‘similar to’ suggestions that Twitter produces for every user, increasing your chances of gaining a bigger audience.

6. Become a ‘Go To’ Person

Whether it is breaking the latest industry news or being the first to offer an opinion on something, making yourself a ‘go to’ person on Twitter is a great way to build your reputation and follower count.

7. Join In With Trends

Be selective when you do it, though. #ReplaceASongNameWithPope and similar are things you probably want to avoid.

8. The Power of Questions

Whether you ask questions of your own or search for people whose questions you can answer, this is often the best way to start interacting.

9. Join Twitter Directories

Yes, these really exist, and are used by millions searching for people with similar interests, or in a particular field. Something actually useful, unlike a program that ‘names and shames’ people who unfollow!

10. Keep People Hanging

You want to tweet regularly, but not too much or people will soon get bored. Ideally, you need to get your strategy to the point where your tweets are highly valued, and people are constantly checking their timelines waiting for your next update.

Oh, and if you think these are too hard, don’t even think about paying for followers. People will see right through the 25,000 people when none of them bother to retweet or engage with you.