The Third Tribe is a private membership community offering to help business owners and entrepreneurs the chance to learn how to make money online through online marketing without becoming one of those “obnoxious” Internet marketing types.

Who’s Behind Third Tribe?

There are some well known names in the online marketing, social media, and blogging world who have collaborated to create this extremely knowledgeable and experienced community, including:

Who’s in the Third Tribe?

There are some notable members inside the Third Tribe, including:

What’s Inside the Tribe

So besides the awesome people, what else is inside the tribe?


There is a great forum community in the Third Tribe. Can you imagine a forum that is not only troll-free but also helpful? This is that forum. There are rarely any questions left unanswered – and I don’t mean useless replies, but actual, meaningful answers, sometimes from the expert owners of the forum themselves.

Third Tribe Forums

There are over 3,000 threads and 30,000 posts, including sections dedicated for member meetups, partnership and join venture opportunities, an accountability bar to set goals and have others help keep you in check, and a variety of niche topics.


As of the end of August, there are 17 seminar archives, complete with audio download and PDF transcript, as well as an action sheet on how to apply the knowledge in the seminar to what you are doing today.

Third Tribe Seminars

These seminars cover a wide range of topics including product launches, SEO, blogging, copywriting, Google Adwords, public relations, video marketing, affiliate marketing, and much more, and all are led by experts in the industry.

Live Q&A

Twice a month, you will get a chance to ask questions during a live Q&A call, generally with Brian Clark, Chris Brogan, Darren Rowse, and Sonia Simone, with occasional guest appearances by the one of the seminar interviewees. As of the end of August, there are 13 Q&A call archives.


So it sounds too good to be true, which means there is a catch, right? Well, of course there is a fee involved to join the Third Tribe. The signup cost is $97. You can essentially download all of the available seminar materials and live Q&A recordings, as well as try out the forums.

If you want to stay and continue receiving new seminars and Q&A calls, the membership is only $47 a month. But that isn’t really that much considering you have access to industry experts and a plethora of educational content geared to help you make money online.

So if you want access to valuable information from leaders in the industry, why not join today and dive into the seminar archives. You will be amazed by what you learn!

Affiliate Program

Also, don’t forget that you can recoup some of your membership costs by simply referring others to the tribe. Only current Third Tribe members can sign up for the affiliate program, and you will receive 33% recurring commissions for members who sign up and stay in the Third Tribe. So essentially, if you sign up three people, your monthly fees are taken care of!

Your Third Tribe Thoughts

Are you a member of the Third Tribe? Let us know how much this community has benefited you in your Internet marketing efforts!