Are you, as a small business owner, struggling to market your website? Well, there are many others like you. If you don’t know, there are plenty of ways to market your business website, free of cost. In order to keep your small business growing, you should continue to attract customers to your website. With adequate time investment, you can really make a difference and take your business website to the next level. But you need to know about the best tactics.

Given below are five tactics that you can use to market your small business website without the use of a credit card.

#1. Go Beyond Facebook and Twitter
No doubt, Facebook and Twitter are oldies but goldies. But social media is a lot more. New platforms like Google+ and Pinterest are proving to be exciting options for marketing a small business. No matter what niche you cater to, you should not make any more delay in joining these new social media platforms. In any case, don’t forget to conduct some research to find out how other small size companies are using these social media sites. Learn from them.

#2. Keep Content Fresh
Whether you want to attract visitors to your business website on a regular basis or create a social buzz around your brand, you’ll always need fresh content. Search engines like Google keep looking for fresh or current content on a website. You can do it by starting a blog (attached to your company website) as quickly as possible. With a blog, you can quickly update your readers or audience about anything that’s important for their needs.

#3. Publish Press Releases
Though publishing press releases is an old tactic, it’s powerful even today. Apart from those that charge you a fee for each press release published, there are many other sites that do it for free.

Examples include –

Once your press release has been published, you can send them to niche media outlets that might be interested in what your business is about.

#4. Leverage the Power of Videos
If you sell a product or service, and plan to beat out the competition quickly, one of the best ideas is to create videos. Create a how-to guide or a tutorial that tell your target audience how to use the products you sell. Once recorded, you can upload these videos to sites like YouTube. You can also embed these videos on your website or blog for more coverage.

#5. Don’t Forget the Basics
When it comes to marketing a small business website, you should never forget about the basics. An organized structure, accessibility, appearance and the use of top quality images are essential components of a business website. Make sure you have all these things in order.

You can never say you can’t afford these tactics, because you can use them free of cost. All you need is adequate investment of time. Plan your time in an effective way and gear up to take your website to the next level.