Today is the launch of my guest post I entered for the Bad Ass SEO Guest Blogging Contest.  I would appreciate it if everyone would help in promoting my post “6 Shocking Truths About Internet Marketing“.  Feel free to leave your comments and share with your friends.

My contest entry talks about:

  • How Internet Marketing is not a silver bullet to success
  • How it takes both the client and the agency working together to see optimal results
  • How the entire organization much buy into your strategy
  • How building your brand and traffic is not cheap
  • How it takes testing to find the right results
  • Be careful with which Internet Marketing company you go with, there are a lot of bad ones out there!

Visit my Contest Entry Post

Sponsors for The Bad Ass SEO Guest Blogging Contest

$150 Prize Sponsors

Daniel McGonagle Link Building

Candy Store

$100 Prize Sponsors

Alisa Bowman Marriage Advice

Vertical measures

Internet Marketing Services

SEO Software

seo ottawa

Hesham Zebida Thesis Skins

Gerald Weber Houston SEO

Toni J Young Network Marketing Training

$50 Prize Sponsors

Whitney Segura Whitney Segura’s Internet Marketing Blog

James Brown James Brown

Raxa Design Houston web design

Eric Brantner Freelance Copywriter

Other prizes: Non-Cash Sponsors 1 year Business Hosting plan. Includes toll free phone number and SSL $179.40 value Business Web Hosting

David Harry A full years membership at SEO Dojo, a value of $250.SEO Training Dojo

Special thanks to the contest media partner: My Blog Guest. is the free guest post exchange community where users meet to exchange guest posts and network.