A landing page provides you a quick solution to accurately measure the ROI. If you are running an advertising campaign, a landing page helps you to track the exact number of visitors that a particular campaign sends you. In addition, you can also easily calculate the rate of conversion by using the right tools.

Landing pages are specifically targeted at providing readers or visitors what they are actually looking for. A well designed landing page also does a great job to turn your website into a credible source of information.

To achieve success with landing pages, however, you need to follow some guidelines. You can’t create these powerful pages in a hurry. Marketers make a wide range of mistakes while designing a landing page.

If you don’t want to make such mistakes and murder the rate of conversion, given below are some useful tips you can use.

#1. Poor Organization
While designing a landing page, it is vital to pay careful attention to the aesthetics. A poorly organized landing page can easily drive visitors away. Once you have understood the anatomy of a landing page, you need to place all the essential elements in an appropriate order. Remember, shopper will never like to enter a store which looks untidy and disorganized.

#2. Hard to Scan
Studies have also proved that online users don’t read every word of content. Instead, they skim and scan it. If your landing page copy is hard to scan, you need to rectify the mistake as quickly as possible. Make the content on the page easily stand out. Short paragraphs, numbered lists and bold phrases do a good job to make content easy to scan.

#3. Too Many Choices
One of the biggest landing page mistakes is to overwhelm visitors with multiple options or choices. According to studies, it has been proved that too many choices discourage visitors to take any action at all. If you want readers to take action, it is best idea to provide them with just one option.

#4. Worthless Links
This is, in fact, the biggest mistake that immediately kills the conversion rate of a landing page. Links should always be included very carefully. Where do the links on your landing page take visitors? Always remember to use links that take visitors closer to the conversion goals. If the landing page links give visitors a way out, you will easily kill the rate of conversion.

#5. Buried Content
Burying the most important content below the fold is yet another mistake that can ruin the success of your landing page. Online users expect to see the most valuable information at the top of the page. So, you should always place the most important content (or the benefits) towards the top.

If you are planning to create highly converting landing pages, you should always avoid making the above mentioned mistakes. Making any of these mistakes will drive away visitors without taking an action. The main purpose of a landing should always be to guide visitors towards the conversion goal.